Chapter Three

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Waking up the next day was not pretty. Maria banging on my door demanding answers I couldn't even have a second to give because all she wanted to do was talk. How she got in when she lived in a completely different apartment  complex then I. I had no clue maybe one of the guys let her   in lord knows they couldn't resist her. Living here is like leaving in the big bang theroy honestly except there didn't seem to be an elevator anywhere. Sighing I sit up and feel the aches and pains of yesterdays fall. Since I can't go to any classes this week I stand up glaring at her I brushed past her dragging my injured foot. To go to use the bathroom just to have a second of quiet so I could collect my thoughts. Looking in the mirror after washing my hands I stare at myself in my eyes making a quick run down of my affirmations. "I am beautiful, I am kind, I am smart, I am independent,  no mans "approval or attention" of me validates or defines me." I repeated that last one three times after what I told myself last night. This self love journey has not been easy I still mess up at times but I am my own soulmate like Lizzo sings. Sometimes I just needed the reminder washing my face and brushing my teeth I feel lighter and alive. Today was going to be a good day heading towards the living room. She stands up from sitting on the couch,  "Finally. I want to know what happened between you two." 

"Nothing." I don't want to think about or even talk about the bastard or it would mess up my day. It was almost like bringing his name up made him come over or something. Like battle juice or the candy man shivering at the thought I open the refrigerator to grab an oranges juice.

"It was not nothing from that snap Cynthia sent me."

Rolling my eyes at her I start limping around the kitchen to make me some food. "Tell your friend to mind her business."

Folding her arms she glares at me, "So there is business?"

Why couldn't she just let this go. "No that's not what I am saying."

"Then what are you saying?"

Clutching the life out of the pan I grabbed from the cabinet, "I am saying that it's creepy as fuck someone I don't know filmed me and plastered my issues on social media for all to see."

"She's not a stranger you met her at last years party." Closing my eyes I took a deep and calming breath in and slowly released it. 

"Maria she is your friend not mine and it was not something that should have been shared. I mean honestly is the campus that bored that they need to know what's going in someone else's life?"

"Well it is the first week so yeah." The duh was silent. 

 Not wanting to argue when I felt like I had been trampled on by a line of gorillas.  I continue to cook my scrambled eggs and make toast for my sandwich. Sitting next to her to eat it I leave to grab some pain medication and take them to ease the aches I feel through out my body. Deciding to take a shower I went and gabbed my towel coming back into the living room I sat next to her, "Listen I have to start getting ready so that I can go to the health facility to get new crutches, grab some groceries, an extra pillow, pain medicine, then head to the library to print all of the syllabi color code them all, insert them into my planner, and start catching up on work."

"You're not serious don't you want go out? I heard there is a really good party-"

"Look at my foot."sticking my foot and waving down like it was a glorious thing to see, "Do you honestly think that's on my mind right now?"

 Flinching and looking at me guiltily, "You're right I'm sorry I just got excited."

"I know you like to party." Trying to break the thick tension out of the air I teased with a smile, "So go have fun and tell me all about it when you can most likely tomorrow. We both know how you get."  Laughing at that we both headed towards my door walking out into my hallway we joked around about all her hoe stories as she called them. Opening my door I am met with that same stupid face that seems to be around no matter where I go. In his stupid meaty hand he had my crutches. Glaring up at him he had a cool impassive look on his face yet those eyes showed something else. As if he was laughing at me with them. Looking between us Maria hightailed it out with a big smile on her face. I just knew she was going to want the tea tomorrow when we caught up after her party. 

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