Chapter Twenty Four

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"You had a sex dream about Caden while Caden was still in the house on the couch with you?"

"Yes." groaning while burying my face in my hands.

Maria bursts out laughing, "What did he say?"

"He didn't say anything to me about it.  But I am sure he felt weird I would feel weird. But the worst part is I have no clue if I said anything out loud. What if I said something sexual and ruined our friendship? We just became friends."  

"Friends that are sexually attracted to each other."

"Ugh, apparently for me. But that wasn't supposed to happen Maria I mean he wasn't supposed to be a thing at all." 

"Yeah yeah we know the plan." waving her hand in the air, "Study hard, make Lorenzo realize what he was missing, and graduate knowing you destroyed him by being the one who got away." Taking a long sip of her Caramel frappe from Starbucks, "But you do know that life is unpredictable and things change, right?"

"Well yeah but still when I decided to accept him as a friend I never intended to be attracted to him at all. I mean yes he is more than fine but I just know its going to end horribly if I allow myself to get sucked into him."

"Not to be a bitch dude but don't you think it's a little too late for that if you're already having dreams about him, sleeping in bed with him, going to his events, and spending so much time with him. You spend more time with him than you do us and I'm not complaining about it. But Jade it's just you're basically in a relationship."

"But that's the problem" cutting her off, "it's always one sided when it becomes basically anything for me and a guy."

"The situation you had with Lorenzo is not the same as the situation you're in with The Beast. He takes care of you in ways I never seen any guy that you ever liked do. In fact you took care of them remember." 

Shaking my head at her, "He is just a nice guy." sighing, "I just need to separate myself from him before I get sucked into his charm further in and embarrass myself before it's too late."  Though that ship might have already sailed. Picking up my green matcha frappe I take a sip thoughtfully how can I remove myself when his is my project partner? Duh after the projects done drop him like a sack of potatoes. 

"I don't think you should do that I think you should see where this goes."

"We all know it's not going to go anywhere it never does for me."

Rolling her eyes, "Whatever I just got a text from my mom she's headed this way so I should get back to my dorm and clean it better. You ready to go?"

"Yeah let's get out of here." Getting home I can't help but think about Caden's departure when I woke up form my nap. He seemed normal he left with his normal catch ya later phrase I just don't know how to feel because he hasn't said anything out of the ordinary even are texts are normal. And if his going to act like nothing has happened then I am going to have to do the same. Until I stop feeling awkward I should avoid him at all costs. Just as I thought that I bump into non other than Caden in all his sweaty after workout glory. Oh good lord that body God himself sculpted. Catching me by my upper arms so I didn't fall down we stood like that for awhile. 

"Sweetheart I swear you really need to watch where you are going."

"Me? Why are you just standing here in the middle of the entry way?"

"The question is why aren't you."

Rolling my eyes at him and his childish remark I scan over his body and notice the rigid stance and very prominent bruise on his rib cage. "Caden you can not be working out in your condition have you ever in life heard of rest."

"I did rest" he replies taking a swig out of his water bottle, "I rested for about forty minutes before and after working out."

Throwing my hands in the air, "You dumb ass you're just going to make it worse or prolong your need for healing." I have never met a more stubborn and ridiculous person all of my life. 

Shrugging as if it didn't matter. "I'll be fine trust me I have had worse."

Frustration, concern, and rage spiked at the same time. "You know what Caden fuck it" at the tone of my voice I see him stiffen and start to study me in that stupid way he does. Ignoring it I forge on, "you want to stay broken then do so. I am going to my house to rest and heal while watching one of my current fav anime, good day." Stepping around him I make my way towards the stairs mumbling about  how careless and idiotic one person can be. 

"You know you can't take the stairs."

Scoffing I look back at him, "You cannot be serious." exasperated, "You shouldn't even be standing yet here you are."

Rolling his eyes at me he takes me by my arm and turns me towards the elevator. "How about this I will meet you at your place and I can watch this anime with you." Pushing the button for the elevator to come down.


"That way we can rest and heal together since you're so worried about it." 

Hearing the ding of the elevator and the doors whooshing open I step in. "Caden I shouldn't be the only one caring about your health you should be concerned too." Keeping the doors open until I am finished with my statement. 

Releasing a heavy sigh of what might be annoyance, "Okay mom see ya later." he says reaching in pushing the button to my floor and waving with a smirk while the doors close. 

What am I going to do I am supposed to be pushing him away not pulling him closer. Closing my eyes I lean against the back wall and thump my head on it twice. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now