Chapter Fifty One

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Getting in his truck he was very slow with movement hissing low under his breath. "Caden I can drive us back home if you're too injured."

"No I'm fine I just need a minute." Closing his eyes he leans his head against the head rest.

Watching him for any discomfort, "Caden if this was only for appearances. Why did you insist that I come? Why was it so important that I attend this with you?"

"Because sweetheart I wanted everyone to know you were mine and that no matter what I stood behind you."

"Oh okay."

"You see the thing about this so called family of mine is that they love trying to dictate to me. No matter how many times I prove to them that they can't bulldoze over me." peeking over at me, "I do want to apologize to you though for their behavior. I expected them to say shit to me but I didn't for a second even think about them saying anything to you. They always just ignore whoever I bring with me to these." air quoting, "family events."

"Stop I don't really want to hear about your past relationships."

"Not so much relationships as they were fuck buddies."

Plugging my ears with my fingers, "Lalalalala. I didn't hear that you didn't say that reset by thirty seconds." I exclaim. His laugh is cut short by the pain in his ribs. "Caden I can drive us back I'm not a terrible driver ya know?"

"I don't doubt that but this is a truck not Ginger's baby car."

"You would be in so much trouble if she hears that."

"Don't tell her."

"I'll think about it." I tell him, "but only if you let me drive."

"Alright so if I let you drive I get to keep my life." he smirks, "or still have to worry due to your lack of knowledge of truck driving."

"I really don't think it's as hard as you're making it sound." 

He raises his eyebrows grasping his chest feigning hurt, "How could you say that about my precious baby Lucy?"

Shrugging, "A car is a car is a car." he stares at me like I've lost my mind, "It's purpose its literally  to get you from point a to point b."

"Oh sweetheart you wound me there is no way I'm letting you drive her now."

Rolling my eyes, "Caden you're so annoying." looking out the window I look back at him, "If you don't let me drive you sir will get no cuddles from me."

"Wow you are going to take away cuddle time.

"Yes." I tell him in a no nonsense tone crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Huh,  you drive a hard bargain." he looks out the window and fiddles with the mirrors.

"What are you doing?"

"Adjusting it to your height so you don't have to." 

Smiling back real hard, "Thank you for trusting me you won't regret it."

"I hope not don't be too rough with her she has never known anyone's touch but mine."

Shaking my head at him, "You're so ridiculous."

"Yeah but you like me." he tells me getting out of the seat and coming around to the passenger side. I love you I thought. Taking control of the truck was very nerve wracking besides the fact that driving this thing was like going from being a bike rider to a bus driver in a night. I couldn't think of anything but my last thought. I love Caden what am I supposed to do with this. I can't tell him we haven't had that conversation yet. Mental note check in with my two best friends to figure out this situation before it get out of hand. 

"Earth to my sweetheart" he says snapping me out of my spiraling thoughts, "you okay?"

"Yeah." I nod mouth dry.

"You sure? You got eerily quiet on me for a second." 

"I'm fine. I'm just concentrating on not crashing your truck."

"She has a name." he scoffs. 

Laughing at him I shake my head and start concentrating on getting us back to his place. Getting there I quickly tell Caden I will meet him in his room after I talk to my friends. Rushing over to Maria's room I tap on her door frantically. What am I supposed to do with my feelings?  Opening the door hair in a messy bun a pair of sweats and a school hoodie she glares at me. "What the hell is your problem I just started my nap."

"I love Caden." 

Eyes widening she stares at me moving aside so I can go in. Closing the door she hops back in her bed while I sit at her desk chair. "Are you sure? When did you know? Did you tell him?"

"No, I just realized it and now I don't know what to do." body buzzing with so much energy that I couldn't even sit anymore getting up to pace around her room, " I mean next week we are going to see my aunt and I am freaking out."

"This is more of a Ginger conversation." she says tapping away at her phone

Flapping my hand at her. "What am I supposed to do now that I know my feelings I just want to run and hide. Maria he was not supposed to be here in my life and now I have fallen in to no mans land." sitting down I place my hands over my face, "His going to shatter me."

Ginger barges in a bag of hot fries in hand and sits in front of me, "So it's finally happened?"

"Yep and she's spiraling out of control." Maria tells her.

"I am not spiraling." I deny glaring at her.

Shrugging, "Okay then she is experiencing something like a spiral." tapping on her chin, "a whirlpool of crazy thoughts." 

Narrowing my eyes at her, "And people call me strange."

"You are we all are or else we wouldn't be friends."

"This is true." pointing at Ginger, "what do you mean it finally happened?"

"We told you in the beginning you were going to fall for him." shrugging, "I mean it was only a matter of time."

"UGH, what do I do?"

"Keep it to yourself until you're ready to tell him then when you do let him in."


"In your vagina." Maria tells me smacking on a mouth full of chips. 

"What?" I shrike out. 

Nodding her head in agreement, "Well besides your vagina you should let him in you heart." patting my shoulder, "It's going to be okay Jade just trust yourself you wouldn't have let it get this far if he was terrible." 

Trust myself I chant in my head. "You're right thanks guys I'm going to go watch a movie now."

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now