Chapter Fifty Five

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"Sweetheart I've got to use the restroom and it's time for us to eat." Caden gently rocks me back and forth to wake me up. 

"I don't really want to eat." pushing his hand away, "sleep is better."

Chuckling, "As much as I want to stay your human pillow I have to relieve myself." easing his arm out of my grasp, "and as much as you love sleep you love food more and I got you the last chicken platter they had."

Stretching as much as the area would allow me to, "What are you going to eat?"

"Some beef steak like plater." he says scurrying to the restroom.

I know he wants the chicken platter. As the stewardess passes by I change our order around and I end up with some vegetable soup instead.  As he comes back I rush to the bathroom to do my own business. I hate airplane bathrooms everything about them is strange. How people do anything else in here is beyond me. Coming back out I see our food is being served. Moving for me to get back in my seat I notice that the window seat blind is down. Plopping back in my seat I buckle myself back in and wait for our food to be sit on our trays. Placing down my soup she places the last chicken platter on to his tray. "Thank you." I tell her and begin to take a spoon full of the soup Caden grabs my hand. "Why did you change our dinner?" 

"Because I know you wanted the chicken and I wasn't in the mood for steak." I tell him doctoring my soup with the little packets of pepper and salt they give us. 

"Sweetheart if I wanted the chicken I would have gotten the chicken I wanted you to have it." reaching for my bowl and his plate he tries to switch them.

Smacking his hand away to put my soup down, "I just made it taste somewhat better you fix your own plate."



"Babe?" raising an eyebrow at me, "since when am I babe?"

Since I feel in love with you. Shrugging, "Since now." Taking a sip of water from my cup. 

Clearing his throat, "Okay well thanks sweetheart." he smiles and seasons his own food.

"You're welcome babe." I smile over a spoon full of soup. After eating our food we decide to watch fast and the furious two since that was the only movie we could agree on. Being next to him and being able to cuddle up to him helped to alleviate my fears of falling. That is until the turbulence kicks in. 

"Caden we are going to die and I'm going to be the first to go since I'm by the window."

"We are not going to die sweetheart I promise you we're going to be fine."

Eyes open wide with fear, "I told you I didn't want this seat."

"I know sweetheart I know." Wrapping his arms around my shoulders he pulls me into him again like he did once before. 

"I can't swim Caden the best I can do is float on my back and do somewhat of a doggy paddle."

Pressing kisses to my forehead I feel the smile on his lips, "What did you plan to do with your aunt in Hawaii?"

"We were going to lay out and enjoy the beach, maybe build a sandcastle, definitely play some volley ball, have some nice dinners, watch some movies, introduce the guys were a dating, she probably would have interrogated you, and of course enjoy a few  girls nights." Shrugging, "she would have re-twisted my hair since I hate going to salons unless I absolutely have to, she probably would have told me about myself for being a child and for not getting it done sooner, and we would visit whatever sights she wanted to show me and we probably would have enjoyed the sunsets or something but ummm nothing to crazy." I rush out squeaking at the end when we had a big one.

"Interesting none of that included swimming." removing my hands from my face I give him the stink eye.

"Of course not I just said I can't swim."

"You can't swim properly but you can move in the water."

"I swear if this plane crashes and we end up on a beach somewhere I will call half of whatever island we end up on."

Smirking, "Have fun drawing that line sweetheart."  he tells me just when the pilot announces that we are no longer in turbulence. 

Taking a deep breath I try and push away from him, "You were being annoying on purpose to distract me weren't you?"

Smiling, "A boyfriend never relieves his secrets." he winks pulling me back closer, "let's take a short nap before we land so you can enjoy your swimming-less activities."

Rolling my eyes I snuggle back into him and allow myself to drift off. We were going to be there in three more hours. My aunt is three hours away and I can't wait I think allowing myself to drift into a nap. 

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