Chapter Twenty Nine

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Sitting in the car I internally freak out and jump for joy. He actually asked me, ME out on a date. I couldn't stop the smile that stayed plastered on my face.

"You seem excited."

"Shut up" placing my hands on my face.  You have no clue where you're going what if you have nothing to wear for the occasion. "Where are we going?" 

"Its a surprise."

Thats no good. "Okay, umm do you have an idea on what I should probably wear." 

"Yeah gym clothes." Gym clothes? What am I going to need gym clothes for what kind of date is he taking me on? A friend date obviously most guys say something sexy or nice he clearly doesn't see you that way. The whole thing is a joke. My inner critic sneaks in cackling at me. 

The smile I once had slowly fades, "Gym clothes?" I whisper out loud to myself.

"Yeah something easy to move in." he replies pulling into our parking lot. 

Don't think to hard a hot guy has asked you on a date take what you can get. "That's odd but okay." I say shrugging. Silence sat between us on the elevator ride ask I tried to figure out which leggings were stretchy enough to go over my cast. Maybe I should wear some shorts instead of leggings. Reaching my door and opening it he places my giraffe on the ground by the tv. "Thanks for a great day I hope I am able to treat you to a wonderful night."

"See you later."

"Count on it I'll text you the time." placing a kiss on my forehead he leaves. I stand in front of my door dumbfounded how exactly did I get here? Taking in a deep breath I release it closing and locking the door. "That's a big ass giraffe." Ginger comment. Turning I face her seeing her at the kitchen island eating a bowl of ice cream. "Also what's happening tonight?"

"He asked me out on a date." Placing her spoon down and back in her bowl eyes wide. "You said yes right? Do not tell me you declined."

"I said yes."

"Thank god! So what time are you guys leaving? Where are you guys going? Would you like some condemns?"

"I don't know the answer to the first two yet and no it's not that type of date. I think it's a friend date."

"Friend date? Did he say it was a friend date or are you assuming?" silence was my answer. 

Sighing heavily, "Jade please don't do this don't overthink it if he didn't say it then don't assume it."

"You're right." with a sad smile, "Also I am extremely sorry about this morning lack of sleep caused me to-" 

Putting a hand up she cuts me off, "Its fine Jade this is your home too. Besides if you can still sit on the couch after cleaning it  even knowing what I've done on it." she smiles saucily. 

Blanching at that, "Imma gonna take my big ass giraffe into my room." Dragging it by its head I make it to my room. 

Turning my phone on I see his texts be ready at eight thirty also bring an extra change of clothes. Okay I reply. Laying down in my bed I look at my closet. What to wear? After going through my outfit choices I pick out a purple long sleeve nike dri-fit shirt and a pair of black cotton shorts. I through a hoodie and some sweats in an overnight bag. Checking the time I see its four since I won't have to dress cute I won't need makeup. Which means a nap is in order setting a timer I close my eyes to take a well needed nap. Waking up to the siren of an alarm I get ready for a date that's not really a date. Sighing I walk out of my room to wait in the living room for the knock on the door. Walking in I see Ginger and Maria beaming with what looks like pride.

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now