Chapter Forty Five

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Waking up I was confused for a second of my surroundings and not seeing Caden where he once was I panicked. Rolling over I see a note on his night stand grabbing for it I read that he went to go get us some food since he had nothing left in his fridge. Smiling I put the note down and stretch taking a deep breath I heave myself out of bed. Last night was such an embarrassing moment I think making my way to his bathroom. After doing my business and making another makeshift pad I really needed to go to the store. I wash my face and stare at the puffiness of my eyes and face. Groaning I throw cold water on it ugh I wish it could be erased from my memory. I cried in front of him like a two year old. It's not the first time my subconscious slithers in to remind me. And it probably won't be your last either. I shouldn't have let that man's words upset me so much. I worked so hard not to let others words define me. 

But you failed last night. 

I know, he shouldn't have saw that maybe I should leave.

Snorting rang in my head and go where? His words are what made the burning in your chest leave. 

Yeah but- 

"Hey sweetheart I am back with food." Caden yells cutting into my debate with myself. When I don't respond  he taps on the door, "You okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm coming just give me a minute." my voice is wooden even to my own ears. 

"Okay, no rush I'm gonna set everything up on the dinning table." he taps again and I hear him walk away.

Okay I tell myself in the mirror it is time to put on your big girl panties the way your aunt taught you and woman up. There is nowhere to run and hide away too. You asked him out and this is what relationships are about being there for each other durning tough times. Granted he has been there way more for you than you have him but its going to be okay. Like mom told you when you asked her about her and dad. She knew dad was the one when she could be completely open, honest, vulnerable when she could be her ugliest and he would just smile with pride. Maybe Caden is that for you so don't ruin it based on a strangers words. Releasing the breath I held I open the door and make my way towards the dinning area. Seeing Caden with his back turned towards me placing to go boxes from IHOP on to the table I creep up and hug him from behind. Shocked his back stiffens and he slowly places his hands on top of mine. 

"Good morning." I say, "thank you for everything." 

Turning into my arms so his facing me he places his hands on my face and lifting it up he observes my face. "Good morning my little over thinker." placing a kiss on my forehead I close my eyes and cherish the moment, "just so you know one of these days you're going to share with me." 

Leaning away from him, "Yeah, one day." I whisper smiling I get on the tips of my toes and bring his face further down placing a kiss on his forehead, "But right now it's all about what you brought me to eat."  

Smirking, " I got you some chocolate chip pancakes, hash browns, scrambled eggs, and bacon." holding a pharmacy bag, "Then I stopped to grab some feminine hygiene products along with a toothbrush." my eyes glossed over for all of two seconds since he had to add, "because you sweetheart  snored in my face and woke me up with the funk of a thousand years." 

Snatching the bag from him I glared, "How did you know?" I ask digging in to see regular sized honey pot pads and the toothbrush he mentioned. 

"You seem way more emotional than you normally are." shrugging. "Plus I got the Flo app my sisters recommended it so I won't poke the bear around the wrong time and come up missing." 

Throwing my hands up I walk away to get myself together. Hearing his laughter behind me. Coming back out I say nothing to him and go for my food. "Ahh sweetheart come on talk to me.Its been hours I know you've brushed your teeth since then." he begs since I have yet to speak to him. It's been three hours and we are washing the plates we just ate our lunch on. Thanks to food delivery we have yet to leave the apartment. Handing him a plate to dry,  "My sisters birthday is in two days."

Crap I almost forgot about her present. Clearing my throat, "What should I get her?" I ask him. 

"Nothing I already got her a something and put both of our names." he says smiling at me. 

"That's cheating Caden she will know my name is just slapped on to her gift." 

Eyebrows crinkling in the middle with confusion, "How would she know?"

"You can always tell when a thoughtful gift is from a family member or a stranger."

Shaking his head, "I don't think that's true. I did it with." 

Turning my head so fast I almost gave myself whiplash, "With who?"

"It doesn't matter" he informs me tugging on his ear, "the point is she wouldn't till the difference." 

Narrowing my eyes at him, "Mmmhmmm and lies she knew she was just being polite." Washing a cup, "So what is she like what are things that she is interested in and types of things she would like?" 

"Fine if you insist on getting her a gift take my card." 


"Sweetheart the things she likes are expensive you're going to need it."

"Then I will find a cheap version and she will know that it's from me."

"You're being ridiculous." throwing the towel on the counter, "why does it matter if she knows it's from you or not?"

 Looking at him like he had two heads, "First impressions are everything especially with family."

"You meet two of my family members already and I can guarantee they have already told everyone how amazing you are."

Snorting at that, "Caden take off your rose colored glasses and be honest family always see's the worst before you do so who knows what they really think."

Grabbing my shoulders he kisses my temple, "Gabe would have already said something to me and so would mike and definitely Roman that man there is very critical  and can spot a gold digger a mile away." shrugging, "his also not above saying it to your face if that was the case. But if I remember correctly he liked you."

"Whatever Caden I still need to get her something."

Turing me away from the kitchen sink he places kisses all over my face embracing me in a hug, "Jade, sweetheart you are overthinking this just trust me everything is going to be fine."

"Okay, fine." I tell him but in my head I am making a list of pros and cons. I know Maria would be down for a shopping spree. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now