Chapter Thirty Four

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After finding out I hit Lorenzo and that I was injured from it he pushes the button to call on a nurse. Bringing in his first aid kit he bandages my hand with gentle swiftness. I hope when I become a nurse I am this good I think inspecting the bandages. Once visiting hours were over we were asked to leave but Caden refused to allow me to go so much so his doctor was called.

"She's staying doc." he tells him, "if she leaves I leave too."

"Caden I'll be fine." I reassure him, "Lay back down."

Placing his hand on his forehead rubbing it tiredly, "Jade if you don't mind staying the night with him. He has two more tests scheduled tomorrow morning if all is well his free to go."

"Okay."  with that settled everyone leaves the room leaving us alone. Scooting over he makes room for me in the bed. Patting it I walk over, taking off my shoes I lay down. "You are such a big baby why couldn't I go home?"

"Because you hit a crazy person in the face."

Shrugging, "He deserved it bragging around the campus about his sad ass 'victory' ". 

"Don't ever do that again." He says starring at me intensely. 

"I won't." putting my face close to his I have the urge to kiss him. Clumsily I brush my lips across his. "Goodnight." I whisper as I scream, dance, and cheer in my head I did it I kissed him. 

"What was that supposed to be?" his question kills my joy.

"A kiss."

"That was an insult."

"An insult?"

"Yeah, this is a kiss." lifting my face back up to his he plants his lips on mine. Gasping from the contact he uses that as his advantage to place his tongue in my mouth teaching me what kissing was really about. He doesn't stop until I need air pushing his chest he releases me breathing in air. I lick my lips "Wow." is all I can say.


Laying there I am cheesing so hard I know he can see my molars, "Can I ask you something?"

"You're already asking but go ahead." grabbing an extra blanket from the bedside table placing it over us we get comfortable. He turns off the bedside lamp. 

"What was your life like?" feeling him tense, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, you want my story that's what you're asking for, right?"


"It's not the easiest story to tell but since your'e my girl you deserve to know." 

"I'm you're girl?"


"Asking me would have been nice."

I could feel him rolling his eyes, "Fine sweetheart will you be my girl?"

Taping my chin, "Hmm I don't know that's such a big decision I'll let you know in about ehh seven to ten business days."

"Ha ha ha you're so funny."

Giggling at him I lie back down, "I'll be your girl if you'll be my guy."

"'Ive always been your guy."

Smiling I give him a light squeeze, "Okay now that we have that settled tell me your story."

"Alright, I told you my parents are both Rolling Stones, you might my best friend, cousin, and the most important piece of the puzzle is Eleanor." moving to lie on his back he stares at the ceiling, "I was born the runt of my family. I was the only premature baby my mother had. I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck I had some complications. Because of those complications she didn't want me. My other siblings were gifted with things and treated like royalty and because both of my parents own fortune five hundred companies you could imagine all the wonderful things they got." pausing he thinks, "Eleanor was hired to make sure the special needs I had were taken care of she became a mom to me. Since I couldn't play rough my siblings would make fun of me taunt me and call me stupid. No one ever wanted to spend time with me. School wasn't any easier the kids didn't understand why I was so different so they would pick on me, ya know? Shoving me into lockers, pushing me down stairs locking me in the janitors closet, hitting as hard as possible in dodge ball, tripping me whenever they could and so on." sighing,  "anyway as soon as I turned fifteen my dad shipped me off to a family friend that family friend owned a boxing gym. He was tired of receiving phone calls from the school nurse and principal about what I was going through. He told me I was going to have to learn to defend myself. Since he wasn't going to be around forever." 

Locking our fingers together I bring them to my lips. He went through a lot alone even though those who were supposed to love him were alive. "I learned a lot from him once I was able to fight I defended myself all the time. My dad scheduled some sanctioned fights and I won each and every one of them. The prize money made my family pay attention they wanted more time with me after that. That wanted me to go pro it felt like  everyone wanted something from. They gave me the name Beast because said they said I fought like one. But I fight with the hurt, anger, and pain that eats at me because I just want enough for them. Then years later I run in to a girl who seemed just as guarded, unsure, and out of place as I felt. But she wore it more on her sleeve. She refused my help at every turn and though she complained about my presence she never actually meant it." kissing my forehead, my nose, and my lips, "I learned to like her a lot the more I learned about her and though my biggest rival  tried to destroy her she didn't let him."

Cousin? What cousin? Slowly lifting my head up I sit up and look at his face, "Are you talking about me? Caden? Is Lorenzo your rival?"

His silent for a minute then softly. "One of them yeah." Bringing me in he kisses me again, "You have no idea what you started sweetheart." peeking my lips, "I could kiss you all day." 

"Well you're going to have to stop so we can go to sleep you have tests to take tomorrow."

Giving me one more passion filled kiss. Nipping at my bottom lip, "Fine."

"Good night." I sigh.


I woke up to hushed whispers. "We brought her here to see you. I can't believe you talked her into staying the night with you."

"Yeah she was tired and I wasn't going to have her going anywhere without me. Especially not with that asshole running around."

"What do you think his end goal is?"

"Well being my old school bully it could be anything but our match is in a few more months."

"What do you want me and Gabe to do until then?"

"Protect her when I'm not around. I don't know if she compromised her restraining order or not but even if she hasn't I need eyes on her." 

"Got it hopefully you're well enough to get out of here soon." 

"Yeah." brushing a kiss across my forehead I release a sigh. 

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