Chapter Sixty Seven

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I was heading out of my building for my morning jog when I bump into a a beautiful, tall woman, she was polished, her hair was long and black, she wore Chanel shades, and a tan business suit. 

"Are you Jade?" she asks me as I open my mouth to apologize.

"Yes ma'am. Im sorry about bumping into you I wasn't prepared for anyone to be outside the building door."

"Never mind that would you mind going to a brunch?" she asks again in a no nonsense tone.

"I umm I am not really dressed for a brunch." looking at the way she carried herself, "who exactly are you?"

"I am Caden's mother my name is Rose." 

"Oh umm okay is everything alright?"

Waving her hand in the air, "Let's talk over brunch not here on some side walk with preying eyes and ears."

"Okay." I say taking out my headphones, "let's go." I tell her texting my friends to let them know I won't make it to the group jog today. Getting her rolls Royce with her driver the quietness that filled the car was tense. I hope his okay is all I could think on the way to her favorite brunch spot. After being seated she takes off her shades to reveal the same colored eyes I missed daily. After ordering our food and taking a sip of our cups of tea she breaks the silence. 

"My son is in the worst state I've ver seen him in and I hold you responsible for it."  she sits across from me lips pursed as she says so.

"Ma'am with all due respect Caden and I aren't together anymore."

"And that's the problem his fighting every night because of it." She snaps out, "If he loses to Lorenzo." She begins.

"He would never lose to Lorenzo his way above him and he was fighting like that before I ever even stepped in the picture."

Scoffing, "well now his fighting like that because" she stress the word, "of you and honestly I have never seen him like that before. Even as a child he would never allow anything to get to him but you did and his lost. My poor son is lost and I need you to help fix it."

"Is this why you brought me here?" Sighing heavily, "look Mrs. Rose he doesn't want to see me as much as I would like to help him there is nothing I can do."

"I don't know what happened between you two and frankly I don't care. He has never let anyone in his heart in his life." Sipping her wine, "not even me and I am his mother."

"What about Ms.Eleanor?"

Chuckling bitterly, " How could I forget? Okay well then besides the two of you that boy has kept the rest of the world out." Taking a sip, " even though this pains me that he is being this way over someone like you. I need your help the path his going down is dangerous and he needs to be more careful."


"You changed him he has never kept a girl longer than a week and he wanted you to meet his father and I. Though we have asked him a hundred times to meet the girls he was with he never not once agreed." Narrowing her eyes, "he agreed for us to meet you which means you were special to him. Special enough for him to risk so much with getting involved with the police, letting you stay in his home, taking you to that secluded apartment he hasn't even invited or welcomed family in, now his fighting night after night to heal the pain you have caused. I don't give a damn what you have to do but I need you to fix it." Leaving me sitting  there speechless she throws money on the table and walks out. 

Shocked I sit there and think is he really doing that badly. Here I was healing and he was suffering because of me. "Are you doing okay ma'am? the waiter asks snapping me out of my thoughts. 

Smiling softly, "Yes I hope that will cover our bill." I say handing him the money.

Eyes widening, "This more than covers it." he says. 

"Good keep the change as a tip." I tell him texting my friends that we should meet up at the apartment instead. I get a Lyft and leave. Getting home I tell them what happened. 

"Wow that's crazy what the hell does she expect you to do?" Ginger asks taking her plate to the kitchen.

"I don't know." I grumble out turning to Maria who is in her own world. "Hey M you doing okay today?" I ask her. 

"Hmm oh yeah." she answers looking away from the tv. 

"How is group therapy going?" 

"Actually I haven't started yet."

Nodding, "Go when you're ready friend my offer still stands if you need me." I smile at her eating my last bite of pizza. 

"I know Jade thank you." she smiles, "and his mom isn't wrong even Gabe is worried about him."

"Mike is too." Ginger says looking over at me she smiles, "Focus on you Jade you cant help him not when you're doing your own healing."

"Yeah I guess." sighing I grab another pizza, "You guys want to go on our jog tomorrow morning?"

"I'm in." Maria says, "running helps me clear my head."

"We know." tell her looking over at Ginger, "what about you?"

"No not tomorrow I have a meeting with my grandmother."

"Really what about?" I ask.

"About rather or not I am actually going to see my family for the holidays or be in Greece for an early orientation."

"That's awesome." we shout at her, "this is so amazing why didn't you say anything sooner?" 

Shrugging, "You both have been going through a lot."

Maria and I share a look, " Girl we are proud of you and excited for you." 

"Right despite what we are going through its always great to see a friend win especially when it wasn't easy for you either."

Smiling sheepishly at us, "So you guys think I should go?"

"Duh." we shout at her at the same time, 

"Take hella pictures and show us what you will be living  in when you get back from your orientation." Maria says standing up stretching. Glancing at her phone, "I've got to go Gabe is waiting down stairs for me."

"Okay you want one of us to walk you out?" I ask her.

"I got it." Ginger says sliding on her slides and grabbing her jacket. 

"I'll see you later Maria." I call out as the door closes. What am I supposed to do? I am left thinking.

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now