Chapter Twenty Two

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After getting my phone replaced I am thankful that I was able to just upgrade it with a small payment.  I text my aunt back since I missed her four calls with a promise to face time her so she could make sure that I was physically unharmed. Sighing a place my phone down. "Everything okay?" he asks glancing over in my direction.


Glancing back over at me once we reach a stop light, "How do you pay your rent and buy books without a job?"


"How do you pay for the way you live without a source of income?" he repeats as if I am hard of hearing.

Scoffing, "I don't really know how that is any of your business."


Eyeing the side of his face, "But I use the money my parents left behind and financial aid for school related things. For rent I pay nothing as Ginger's family owns the unit and are putting us up."

"Wait, what do you mean left behind?"

I don't want to spill my guts out to him but since we are friends his going to find out eventually. Taking in a breath, "My parents passed away in a terrible car accident when I was twelve."

"I am so sorry to hear that sweetheart. Who took care of you?"

"My aunt." pausing I thought, "Well we took care of each other we grew up together." We drive silently for a little while longer until I ask each question that has been bothering me. "Why do you live in an apartment complex when you have a mansion to live in? Also what happened to you when you were out of town and out of reach?"

Mimicking me he says, "I don't think that's really any of your business."

Rolling my eyes at him I mimic him as well. Folding my arms across my chest I stare at the side of his face, "But?"

"But nothing it's nothing you should concern yourself with." turning on his blinker to get into the turning lane. 

Glaring at the side of his face, "Oh no you don't I told you my whole life story" pretty much, " the least you can do is tell me yours."

With an irritated sigh, "Alright let's see I live in an apartment complex near a college I attend to save on gas and I had a family emergency." 

Rolling my eyes at him,  "You already told me it was a family emergency but what kind of emergency? I hope who ever was involved is okay." 

"The kind no one ever wants to be in and yeah it's all good for now."

For now what did that mean? Not wanting to pry anymore I glance at my phone to reply to a text from Maria. The closer we get to the doctors clinic the more anxious I become. What if I ruined it even more and I am stuck like this awhile longer? What if I have to get back on crutches? I just got off the damn things. Bracing myself when we park my leg starts to bounce I don't know what to do with my hands right now. Getting out of the truck he goes to my side and opens the door. He must realize I am nervous because he places  his hand on my knee to stop the bouncing. Griping his hand for a second I stare at the contrast between our hands. "You have one good leg left don't break that one too."

"Oh ha ha ha we have a comedian in the car." looking up at him,  "I'm nervous about my leg. What if he says I broke it or tore something serious?" 

"Don't stress yourself about something we don't know yet."

"Easy for you to say it's not your ankle."sighing I gear myself up for the inevitable, "Lets go before I change my mind."  Helping me down we make our way to the clinic after scanning and doing some x rays we are told I have a hair line fracture and apparently have had it for a while. Since the school doctor didn't pick it up I am now removed from my boot put back into an ugly cast and I am back on those stupid crutches.  Setting up appointments with him at his clinic with all the instance from grumpy galore. Going back to his truck I see that someone is upset. "Why the long face?"

"The doctor should have caught it and given you better care." he spits out. 

Trying to sooth the beast, "All of this is true but maybe he was just busy I mean he is the only doctor in the school clinic."

"Thats not a good enough excuse to be reckless."

Knowing he was right I don't try to defend the doctor again. "Well since we are both officially broken we can now focus on our project."

Chuckling he starts the truck, "You and this damn project." 

"What?" shrugging, " it's an important thing." shaking his head and smiling he pulls out of the parking lot and takes me home. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now