Chapter Forty Nine

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Reaching the party at a what looked like an art gallery. Getting out of the truck I hold the small gift tightly, "Caden there are a lot of people here." 

Handing the keys to the valet, "Of course there is I told you my parents were Rolling Stones."

Looking at everyone so elegantly dressed I feel so out of place and very underdressed. "Am I dressed okay?" I ask nervously fiddling with my dress straps and wondering if I should have went with something more. The simple lace, dark blue dress I wore with black flats didn't seem so worthy after all. Caden looked like myself we were probably going to be the most under dressed couple here. Though he wore the attire for a suite he lacked a jacket and tie opting for just the midnight blue dress shirt selves rolled up his forearms, black vest, slacks, and chucks that had probably seen better days.  

"You look beautiful as always." he says with a smirk, "now let's make our grand entrance." Linking my arm with his we walk inside past so many people who stare at us many whispering, some with disapproving looks, and some with curiosity. Good lord this is so awkward, "Caden." whispering his name. "Hey yo dude you made it I was not sure after last nights altercation man." Roman greets Caden. Looking over at me, "and you brought her." he exclaims with a smile on his face giving me a big hug. "How are you?" he asks me.

"Terrified, is everyone still starring?"

"Yeah, but it'll stop as the night goes on." he says. 

"God I hope so." laughing at that we are interrupted by an annoyed Caden. 

"Let her go and find your own woman to hug." Caden says pulling me away from Roman.

"Hey man I was just giving her a hug."

"It was too long."

Rolling his eyes at that, "Whatever man have you guys seen Gabe yet?"

"No we just got here." grabbing my hand he pulls me along as Roman lead us to him. Seeing Gabe with his wild hair bored out of his mine leaning on the wall furthest away from everyone ignoring a very pretty red haired girl. Seeing us he ignores her questions and walks right over and greets us. "It's about time you two showed up." He Caden were dressed pretty much the same except her wore the actual shoes made for the outfit, and his shirt was a burgundy red. 

"Yeah it took awhile to convince her to come."

Nodding his head at that Gabe takes the bag from me, "So what did you get, anyway? Caden  couldn't  stop bragging all about it."

Scoffing, "I do not brag I told you."

"Whatever man." Gabe says inspecting  the wrapped gift. 

"So Jade what did you get the princess?"

Smiling at him, "You will have to wait and see when she opens her gift."

"I would like to open my gift now." a snotty voice comes out of nowhere.

"That is not how you were raised to greet people Izzy." Caden tells her in his no nonsense tone.

"Hey big bro you finally made it." she says happily ignoring his warning.

Grunting back at her I elbow him in his arm and grab the gift back from Gabe. "Happy birthday Izzy this is for you thank you for inviting me." I say handing her the gift, "my name is Jade it's nice to meet you." I say holding my hand out for a handshake.

Narrowing her eyes at me she ignores my hand, "My name is Isabella not Izzy only close friends and family call me that and last time I checked you weren't either." 

"Izzy." all three men growl out at her in annoyance. 

Giving a tight lipped smile I nod my head. Well we are getting off to a great start. A waiter walks past holding a platter of  champagne flutes grabbing one. "Well happy birthday anyway I hope you like the gift." Walking away from the cousins and and siblings who were now in a bickering match. Tonight was about to be as fun as getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Walking around I have downed about two glasses admiring  the building more than the art. Whoever they were show casing was not that great I couldn't quite grasp whatever the artist was trying to say. "So he really brought you?" came a deep voice. Looking over my shoulder  I get a quick glance at the man standing near me. He wasn't as tall as Caden nor did he have as much muscle in fact he seemed to be everything Caden wasn't. He was pale, had a cast on his right arm, and had creepy light blue eyes. But here he stood his paleness making the bruising look extreme in fact he seemed to have more bruises than Caden. It's safe to assume this is his older brother. Taking a sip from my glass,  "Hello." I greet acknowledging his presence. "Who are you?" I ask moving to look at a interesting sculpture. Huh, maybe I judged the artist too quickly.  

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