Chapter Sixty

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Getting to the dinning room we see a feast a variety of fruits waffles, pancakes, bacon, eggs, even a few parfaits. Taking a seat, "You guys eat like this every morning?" I ask my aunt wide eyed. 

Sitting across from me smirking, "Nope it's a special occasion."

Bumping shoulders with Caden he smiles at me. Bending down he whispers, "Looks like everything went okay." opening my  mouth to say something snarky he sticks a strawberry in it, "I told you so." he smirks.

Hearing my aunt giggling at us I eat the strawberry and fiddle with my napkin, "Well thank you for the food." Clearing my throat I start making me a nice sized plate just as I was pouring syrup on my waffles.

My aunt grabs my hand, "Before you dig in I have to ask you something." Patting Roberts hand on her shoulder as he stands behind her.

"Okay" laying down my fork I look between the two as they smile.

"We wanted to know if you would be the god mother, sister, cousin to our little one?" Robert asks me.

"What?" placing a trembling hand over my mouth, "are you sure?" I ask my aunt.

"Of course who else would I have guide her around?"

"I would be honored." I tell them smiling with tears swimming in my eyes. 

Wiping her own eyes, "Great let's eat me and the little are starving."

Digging into our food my aunt tells Caden all my embarrassing stories and even shows him a few pictures. As they bond over my embarrassing life choices I decide to walk on the beach near the dock Robert accompanies me.

"She seems so much happier now." he says after we walk in silence for ten minutes.

Nodding my head, "Yeah she deserves it." 

"What about you?" he asks.

Glancing over at the tall man, "What about me?"

"Don't you deserve happiness too."

Shrugging I look at the blue sky shielding my eyes from the sun as I watch a few seagulls fly by, "Maybe but probably not as much her or anyone else I know does."

"Hmmm I think we all deserve it."

Lifting a shoulder, "Possibly... maybe." glancing over at him I stop, "You might not realize it Robert but this is the happiest she has ever been for years I thought I was keeping her from finding this." taking in a deep breath of the salty fresh air, "I'm glad she found someone to spend the rest of her life with and add to her."

"Me and you both." he says.

Cutting him off I continue, "I owe you an apology as well I didn't take her news well and I put her health and the baby's health at risk I'm sorry for that I should know better being that."

"That you're what?" he asks cutting me off.

"That I am going to school for nursing and understand the medical reasons for keeping a pregnant woman calm and my aunt raised me better than that."

His rumble of laughter caught me off guard, "What?"

"Nothing it's just" placing a large heavy hand on my shoulder, "you're human Jade and I understand your view point. I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself if I wasn't so closed off and scared about things you two wouldn't have fought. What I said this morning was just me merrily projecting that." patting my back, "I was overreacting."

"But you had and have a right to do so" he scoffs, "believe me I know what it's like to lose the two most important people in the world to you."

"Hey there you two are." I hear my aunt shout out turning I watch her waddle towards us with Caden falling close behind. Smiling at the scene I look up at him, "And I also know what's like to gain two more and never want to let them go." 

Smiling at me he puts his arm around me and we make our way over to them. "We came to find you because after my nap we need to talk about my wedding plans." The next week and half was wedding planning along with all the things I told Caden me and my aunt would do just pregnant edition. On the days she was to tried to do something it was me and Caden out and about going to different shops and me finding a few gifts to bring back for the girls.One of our outings I found the perfect gift for the nursery and a few other items. Buying them all even though I really just wanted the one item we go on a picnic date. On our last night there we woke up early in the morning as the sun starts to rise to watch my aunt and uncle get married. There weren't many guests but it was going to be a beautiful occasion no matter what. 

"How do I look?" My aunt asks fidgeting in the mirror with her dress smoothing it over her round belly.

"You look beautiful." I tell her. She really did the dress was lacy, Burgundy red colored, long sleeve dress suited her beautifully. 

"Next time you visit you will have a new family member." she says grabbing my hands tightly.

"I know and I can't wait." I give her a reassuring squeeze back, "But right now you are the star of the show she will have her time to shine on the day she's born." Laughing at that she places her vail on her head giving herself a once over again on her makeup.

Tapping on the door, "Are you guys ready?" Caden asks. 

"Yeah we are coming." I call out helping her fix the train of her dress. Turning to her I grab her hand, "I have something blue and borrowed for good luck."

"Oh really?" she asks. 

"Yeah, I held onto it from mom and I take it with my whenever I am traveling. It was one of the things she never took off." I tell her hoping she would guess what it was. 

Looking at me quizzically I lift my dress having no where else to hide it. "Her favorite anklet." she gasps placing her hands over her face. The friendship bracelet I hade made with my mom two weeks before her accident. It said best mom ever on it  with a big blue starfish though I made it too big  for her wrist she wore it on her ankle. Slowly taking it off I ask my aunt to sit down as I tie it around her ankle. "Now you have something borrowed and blue." 

"Oh don't do this to me Jade don't make me cry before I walk down the aisle." getting up she quickly smoothers me in a big hug, "They are so proud of you." Wiping away our stray tears at the same time. "I know." I tell her smiling, "now let's get you married." Rushing out the door she went on to start the newest book of her life and I got to watch the first page.

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