Chapter Thirty Seven

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After taking a nice long hot shower I scroll through instagram liking all of my aunts pictures. It was nice to see her so happy and smiling. In all the years I have known her she always wore her natural hair wrapped tight in a low bun. But in her photos her beautiful curly hair was free out and wild. She had finally let her down and now she was just being who she always was on the inside. She radiated a beautiful glow as she road on jet ski holding on to her man for dear life laughing. I miss her so much in just a few weeks I will be able to see her. I scrolled for a few more minutes before I got bored and decided to go and find Caden. He had been gone for about an hour in a half. Getting up I follow the instructions he told me to reach him.

Hearing heavy metal as I reach the door I stand and wait. Should I really go down there? I don't want to miss up his workout. Maybe he'll welcome the well needed and deserved break. With that in my mind I take a deep breath and make my way down there to see him doing pull ups his body covered in sweat. Walking over to his phone I turn the music down. "You are in need of a break." I call out. Doing to more sets he drops down elegantly and reaches for his water taking a long pull from it he breaths heavily. 

"I was wondering how long it would take you an hour in half isn't bad."  he tells me whipping the sweat off with a towel he had near by. 

Shaking my head at him I go over to sit on a near by press bench. "So does that mean you purposely stayed down here to see what I would do?"

"Maybe." he says with a smile.

 Sitting on the bench flabbergasted for a moment I slowly come to a stand, "You're ridiculous I'm going to bed." with annoyance fueling me I turn on my heel to leave.  "What an asshole"  I mumble under my breath, "here I am worried his going to push him self beyond his limits and he wants to play about his health."

"Don't be mad." he says as he grabs me from behind lifting me off my feet.

Thrashing to get out of his hold, "I am not mad I am annoyed." 

"Well I'm frustrated and working out is my outlet." I stop trying to break free of his hold knowing I'm not getting anywhere. 

"I get that Caden I do but look at it from my perspective just once." He relaxes his hold placing me on my feet. Turning to face him I grab his face and bring it down to my level, "You were just in the hospital you were injured very badly." swallowing hard, "and I understand you need to release your anger and annoyance on one of your machines. I get the need for wanting to be ready for your fight its like how hard I study for a test." nodding his head at that I tighten my hold, "But you also have to take it easy at times, okay?" sighing I glance over his shoulder taking a deep breath I stare into his eyes,  "And doing things like this to see how much I care isn't healthy for us if we are going to be in a stable relationship." 

Starring back at me with an intensity I can't put my finger on he grabs my hands and slowly removes them from his face bending down to place his forehead on to mine. "You're right sweetheart and I sincerely apologize for making you worry and miss out on the beauty sleep you are in need of." 

Rolling my eyes at him, "Everything is a joke with you huh?"

"Nope I mean it" removing his forehead form mine he looks at my eyes poking underneath them, "I think I see bags forming." 

"Whatever get away from me." I say shoving him away laughing. 

Smiling at me he grabs my hand, "Let's go to bed for they get worse."

"I swear you're the most annoying person ever." winking at me he pulls me behind him upstairs to his bedroom. Once we get there he immediately heads for the shower I get comfortable waiting on him I try to stay awake but sleep pulls at me. Giving up on waiting for him I start to doze off half way to dream land I hear the bathroom door open and close, the light  shuffling of his feet as he makes his way to the bed. Feeling him pull me into him placing a kiss on my forehead he whispers, "Thank you for caring." 

 Placing kiss on his chin, "Always." squeezing me closer we both drift off to a restless sleep. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now