Chapter Twenty Six

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"I can't believe I didn't remember you saving me all those years ago until know." 

Shrugging, "I didn't know I was that forgettable." 

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"It wasn't that important at the time you literally fell down a flight of stairs."

Rolling my eyes I lean away from him, "But after that Caden. Why didn't you ever mention it? We have spent a lot of time together."

Shrugging, "You don't like being helped why remind you of a time when I did."

Shaking my head at him I smile. "That was the only good thing I remembered from that night" removing myself from him and going to sit on the couch, "even though it was embarrassing I was always grateful to the half dressed guy and his words of kindness." In that moment I realized I was being stupid like Maria said it was too late I've fallen and now I will be left once again to pick up the broken pieces of my battered, rejected heart.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"Nothing" Doubtful and watchful obsidian eyes starred at me, "Just thank you for helping me" fidgeting with my hands I look down full of shame, "I don't know when my life became a soap opera but I appreciate your help."

"No problem. I am going to use your bathroom real quick." Right after he left Ginger and Maria came rushing in.

"WHERE IS HE?!?" Ginger demanded wielding a bat that I am sure she got from her new beau.  Maria has some sort of boxing stance going on with gold plated brass knuckle rings. "I am so sick of that cock sucking mother fucker. I told you I never liked his ass Jade and this is why." She tells me before taking in that the threat was no longer there. 

"I am okay thanks for asking and Caden took care of it three minutes ago." Both of them take in what I said losing their stances they rush over to me. "Thank god for him once I learn how to cook something I'll make him something nice." 

"So what happened? Did you find out why he was here?" Did he say?" Maria asks.

"Nope" sighing I get more comfortable telling them the basics, "he just demanded that we talk and threatened to barge in once Caden showed up he left in a huff yelling this isn't over like a villain from an old school cartoon."

"You need to file a restraining order on him." Ginger states. Opening my mouth to protest, "I get it Jade I do. But you're not the one causing problems I heard from Stacey in lab that he was the one who broke your phone."

"What?" shocked, " why didn't you say anything?" Maria demands.

"Because she refuses to accept help." Caden answers. When he got in the room I couldn't tell you that man walks with the stealth of a cat. 

"Thats not true." denying his statement. I look around to see a look of disbelief on all their faces. "Okay fine so maybe I have trouble at certain times accepting help but I've gotten better."

"Because you have no choice." Ginger tells me pointing at my leg. Nodding their heads in agreement. Rolling my eyes and crossing my arms over my chest I stick my tongue out at them. "Whatever." I grumble.

Crossing his own arms towering over us, "Your friend here is right though. I can take you tomorrow after I see doc to the police station and get that restraining order." 

Releasing a sigh so heavy it had to have come from my soul. I get up and go to the kitchen island which still held the knife I planned to defend myself with. Placing it back in its rightful place I turn around to face them. Taking a step back since Caden was extremely close he leans forward caging me in with his arms. Taking a peek around him I see that Ginger nor Maria are still here where did they go? I know they didn't leave out the front door I don't think I detached that much that I didn't hear what was going on around me. "They went to her room." Caden says reminding me of his presence. 

"Oh okay ummm" not knowing what to do with my hands I settle on lacing them together twiddling my thumbs. "What's up?"

"Why don't you want to get a restraining order against him?"

Looking up at him I say calmly, "It's not that I don't want to get one." raising a brow at that I continue. "Its that I don't know if the school will take it seriously and I am afraid that it could possibly make things worse."

"Worse? What could be worse than him breaking your personal property and then coming to your home and threatening you?"

Rubbing my temples waning off an approaching headache, "I don't know Caden okay and I don't want to test the water to find out."

"He is already testing them and if you think you can ignore it or avoid it you're being careless about your own safety." Darting my head down I twiddle my thumbs faster his not wrong. But Lorenzo's family holds way too much power over the university. If  I say anything I could be looking at a horrible out come. Grabbing me underneath my chin to bring my face back up he drops his lower so we are eye to eye so close our noses touching. "We are getting the restraining order tomorrow morning."


"I will make sure that not only do they take seriously but that you're protected okay." Placing a kiss on my forehead and then my nose, "Don't worry so much okay trust me." With his eyes boring into mine I just nod my head. "I need to hear it sweetheart." 

Licking my lips, "Okay, I trust you and I won't worry so much."

Smiling he stands back releasing me from his spell, "Good." getting a text he glances down with furrowed brows. "I'll see you tomorrow nine o'clock sharp." Leaving me standing there a hot mess with two idiots peeking around the hallway corner with Cheshire cat grins on their faces. 

"So where did  the Beast go?" Maria asks.

Releasing a shaky breath, "I'm not really sure but you two will be happy to know I will be getting a restating order tomorrow morning." 

"Good." Ginger chimes in. "Also we had our own talk and I'll be home more often which means the "boyfriend" will be here two." 

Shaking my head at her. "The boyfriend did you forget his name?"

"I don't care to remember it honestly he won't be here for that long." she replies with a shrug.

"Yeah and since most of our classes are near each other I will be walking with you to yours." Maria says.

"As much as I appreciate it I can't let him uproot your lives like that."

"But it's okay if Caden uproots his?" Ginger asks.

"No, not at all he just doesn't take no for an answer." Concern crosses both their faces. Quickly I add, "When it comes to helping me out like with my ankle for example."

Nodding their heads, "Well he was right about that." Maria says. 

"He was bossy."

"Just take the helping hand will ya?  You have helped us out countless of times and if the bastard thinks he can mess with you then his messing with us and we don't play that." She snaps shutting me down. 

Eyes glossing over with unshed tears I smile, "I swear you act just like when we were ten and Jessica Bennett wouldn't leave me alone." 

"Exactly I broke her arm and I have absolutely no problem breaking his among a few other body parts."

Shaking my head at them I move towards them and we come together in a big group hug. 

"Now that the mushiness is over what are we watching?" She asks. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now