Chapter Thirty Eight

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Waking up I felt extremely tired so much still weighed on my mind and getting an email from the dean followed by the panic phone call I just received from my aunt. 

"What is this I hear of you punching someone in the face Jade?" 

"What has gotten into you?"

"That boy is not that important."

"You're not being yourself."

"If I have to go down there to knock sense into you I will."

"I love you but I've got to go just know this lecture is far from over."

The woman had a whole conversation with herself without even giving me a chance to explain. Tossing my phone back on the bed I woke up to alone I felt even more numb. If I do get expelled what the fuck am I going to do?  Groaning I lay back and stare at the ceiling fan. 

"What's got you so down?" Caden's voice cutting into my petty party. 

"My aunt received a call from the dean who just sent me an email to see him in his office as soon as I step foot on campus." 

"Huh." laying down next to me he turns my face to see his whipping a tear I hadn't realized slipped out. "It's going to be okay sweetheart."

Sniffling, "You didn't hear the disappointment in her voice" , voice cracking, "she's never been disappointed in me before." sniffling, "What if I get expelled Caden what am I supposed to do?" slowly he pulls me in to his chest. "She was finally free to have her own eat pray love moment and here I am ruining it." at the last thought I let out a gut wrenching cry grabbing onto his hoodie and burying my face further into his chest. Rubbing my back up down he tightens his hug around me, "Everything is going to be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." pressing kisses on my forehead he pulls back from me. 

Typing quickly on his phone he receives a phone call soon after after a bunch of yeses he hangs up, "You're going to go to your meeting with the dean."


"Its going to be fine trust me you're not getting expelled." Grabbing my hand and pulling me out of bed. "I am going to change my sweater,  you're going to get ready for classes, we're going to enjoy the wonderful breakfast that Eleanor made for us,  and I'll meet you later."

"What do you plan on doing?"

"It's best if you don't know sweetheart" opening my mouth to object "just wait and see." After changing our clothes he asks, "You ready?"

"Nope but no use putting off the inevitable."

"Thats somewhat the spirit." 

Walking down we eat breakfast half heartedly I joke with my friends as much as I would like their support they have given way to much. They literary were uprooted and forced to live somewhere else. Crumbling my toast I brush my hands they all look at me with concern. "Are you okay dear?" Ms. Elanor asks me as I help her with the dishes. 

"Yeah I'll be okay" I reply with a smile that feels foreign on my face. 

"Maria and Ginger are going together so it's just you and me." Caden comes up behind me giving me a reassuring squeeze on my shoulders. "Just trust me." he whispers. Nodding my head   we get into his truck sitting in silence letting the soothing loft beats play.  Reaching the campus a lot quicker than I would like to. Dropping me off, "I'll be back later don't stress to much."

Making my dreaded walk towards the deans office. I wonder what his going to say and do? What punishment would he even have for me? Reaching his office I take a deep breath trying to center myself let's get this over with Jade. Opening the door I walk into the main building and make my way further down the hall. Checking in with the receptionist I waited foot tapping I texted Maria and Ginger back after they ask me if I'm okay.  Soon the door was opened and I was being called back into his office. 

"Good morning Jade please come in and have a seat." holding the door open he gestures me in

"Good morning Dean McCoy." I reply walking in and sitting down in the seat closest to the door. 

Sitting down in his desk chair he leans back placing laced fingers together on his protruding belly, "I hear that you have been in quite the scuffle with another student." sitting up he leans forward bending over to grab something from his desk. Coming back up he throws a manila folder,  " recently a student that you have also seem to have a restraining order against." he hums thumbing through it. 

"That is correct."

"May I ask why you would assault someone you feel you need protection from?"

"Will sir I had enough of him attacking me and those I care for so-"

"You care for Mr. Caden the boy know as beast on the campus?"

"Yes." I state trying to figure out his angel here.

Locking his fingers together he places his elbows on the desk top leaning closer, "What is your relationship to him?"

"To who?"

"Mr. Caden, Ms.Jade."

"Why does that matter, sir?"

"Just answer the question Ms. Jade."

"I don't think I have to answer a question on my personal life Mr. McCoy." I state narrowing my eyes folding my arms across my chest.

"I just want to have a clear understanding of what his involvement is in all this. But if you're not willing to answer I guess we have to move on to my next question." nodding my head for him to proceed with it, "Are you aware that Mr. Lorenzo and Mr. Caden have some sort of fighting match in a few months, Ms. Jade?"

I stare at him for a second why would he know that? "What are you implying sir?"

"Ms. Jade from understanding you had some sort of a relationship with Mr. Lorenzo and now you have some sort of relationship with a man who is his known competitor. I am wondering if you are using Mr. Caden to seek some sort of revenge or pin them further against each other?" sitting back he stares at me, "What is your angle here Ms. Jade?"

"My angle here Mr.McCoy is to remove myself from this conversation before I get expelled." I say standing placing my hand on the door knob. 

"Ms. Jade before you go know and understand this. If Mr. Lorenzo losses that match and I find out it has something  do with your interference. You will most defiantly be expelled that money is needed here and I will not tolerate losing it because of an unruly student."  

A humorless chuckle passes my lips , "Understand this sir if Lorenzo losses and he will it will be because he sucks and lost on his own pathetic attempts. He won't need interference on my end."   Visibly shaking with anger I open the door and slam it. What type of bullshit was that? Texting Ginger and Maria back I go to my classes. 

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