Chapter Twenty Seven

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After getting a text that there was a party Maria left leaving me and Ginger sitting on the couch finishing Kuzco.

"Are you two an item?" she randomly asks.

"No his just a really good friend."

"Hmmm are you positive that's all he is." 

Eyebrows pinching together in confusion, "What's with the questions?"

"Nothing really" giving her my full attention she smiles softly, "his just a good guy and I hope that you don't mess it up by keeping him in the friend zone for too long. Maria told me about the dream." 

"Of course she did." I mumble. 

"Just don't be afraid to go for it." Picking up the bowl that once had popcorn she takes it to the kitchen and washes it leaving me to my thoughts.

I can admit to myself that I am falling for him but if I say it out loud it'll be too real and I don't want to miss up our friendship. It's bad enough that I told myself to stay away and situations just keep bringing us closer. I hope that after all this is over he and I remain friends. "I dont think that that's what are friendship is turning into."

"That's not what the kisses placed on your forehead said." 

Rolling my eyes at her, "Whatever." Completely drained from the evening I inform her I am going to bed and she says she's having her boyfriend come to keep her company for the rest of the night. That night I had a restless sleep tossing and turning my mind going over every terrible scenario it could think of. Waking up to my phone ringing I look to see that its Caden ignoring the call I bury myself  back underneath my blankets its to early to deal with anything right now. I heard about four pings after signaling he texted me growing I grab for my phone. I know you didn't just send me to voicemail. Get up sleepyhead we have things to do. Sweetheart wake up. If you don't get up I am coming in. Good lord no its to early for his shenanigans. Letting out a frustrated huff I get up stretching I head to the bathroom to relieve myself. Typing back that he cannot just come in when he pleases since I am not home alone and Ginger has no problems cussing him out. I do the rest of my morning routine. To tried to even care about my looks I through a black bandana over my head tie it, grab a sports bra put that on, and throw on Caden's shirt. Just as I get to the bottoms I get an overwhelming need for water. Ugh, I am so thirsty why am I so thirsty? Because you forgot to put a bottle of water next to you. Tossing my sweats down on my bed deciding to get a glass of water. Walking to the kitchen for some water in my stolen t shirt and panties passing the living room I don't register the two men sitting on my couch. 

Seeing me open the refrigerator for a bottle of water. "Oh hey hope you don't mind I was making breakfast for my sugar bear when Caden knocked." She is really going to call him any nickname in the book. "Okay." I say turning around to see that Caden's nostrils are flared, eyes narrowed,  shoulders bunched with his arms crossed standing in front of someone. "Well at least he didn't let himself in this time." I mumble out drinking some more water. 

Walking towards me Caden blocks everyones view of me by standing in front of me at the fridge. "Nope shouldn't you finished getting dressed." Popping the p hard with a clenched jaw.  

"I am dressed." I snap out. Who does he think he is? 

"I didn't know just my t-shirt and your underwear counted as dressed."

"What are you talking about?" Glancing down I see I am missing my sweats. Carp hobbling as fast as I can to my room I hear Ginger's laughter behind me as well as Caden's foot steps. 

Closing the door behind him he stands in front of it  watching me as I put on my pants. "Are you that tired that you're oblivious to what's going on around you." 

"Maybe, I just didn't get enough sleep and then I got really thirsty she's never up this early so I just assumed and how am I going to go back out there." Rambling on. "And even so normally the guy just waits in her room I can't believe I just walked out there with my ass out and oh my gosh  I've got to apologize to Ginger. I mean if I lose my dear friend over something I didn't mean to do." 

Grabbing me by the shoulders he slightly shakes me, "Calm down and breath I'm sure everything is fine."

"You can't know that."

"I do because as soon as I saw you I blocked you from his view."


"Yeah so let's go to see doc and then to the police station." 

Rubbing my forehead  I let his words seep in. "Okay. Let's go." Letting him help me up he grabs me a jacket and my crutches. Placing a slide under neath my foot. 

"You ready?" he asks.

"As ready as I am going to get."

"Le's go."

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