Chapter Sixty Five

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"Ginger is waiting for me down stairs." 

"I'll let her know you're with me and can leave." texting her fast she replied instantly saying that she had already left with Gabe and Maria. Putting his phone away he stares at me as I figet with my ring. 

"If you thought so little of me why did you accept the ring?"

"I don't think little of you." 

"Really, Jade?" raising an eyebrow, "because recent events would say other wise."

Looking away in shame, "Caden you have to understand where I am coming from."

"Do I?"

"If things were reversed you would react the same."

Shaking his head, "No, because I trust you I would've at least let you explain before jumping to fucked up conclusions."

Rolling in my lips I lace my fingers in front of me, "Caden I don't know what to say."

"Say why you don't trust me tell me why you think so little of me Jade?"

"I don't really know." he scoffs standing up, "I really don't know I just saw her in your bed half dressed and I lost it."

"You lumped me in with the assholes before me. Why?" shaking my head I shrug. Sighing he reaches for his phone, "You may have given me your body but you have never given me your trust."

"That's not-"

Shaking his head he cuts me off, "Without trust their cannot be an us Jade." rubbing a hand over his face,  "I love you so much but I can't keep doing this I can't keep proving myself to you over and over fro us to be back her months later at ground zero."

My heart shattered and my shields instantly went back up. Nodding my head I lift my eyes to met his, "I get it Caden as  much as I care for you I don't want to keep hurting you so I guess its good if we end it here and now. Me and my friends will leave your mansion and go back to our lives. I apologize for all the pain I have caused and I'll repay you for the phone and food you have bought over the past few months. But more importantly I am sorry that I cant be the girl you need or want." taking of the ring I place it on top of his dresser. 

 Leaving his room I hear him whisper. "I'm sorry too I'm sorry I couldn't be the guy you want or need. I'm sorry I failed to make you see that you were perfect for me. I'm sorry we are ending this way." The tears that I held at bay tumbled over sniffling, "Ummm can you ask Ginger to pick me up?" 

"Yeah."  Getting in Ginger's car she asks me what happened to Maria.

"I don't know." 

"She was in hysterics over you thinking that of her."

"I know I need to talk to her."

"You do and you need to go back to therapy." she says.

"I know so many things have changed." Driving the rest of the way to his mansion I pack my things and get ready to go back to the apartment. Laughing at the irony I had to abandon that apartment for safety and now I'm running back to for the same reason. Laughter soon turned into a deep snoot nosed cry how did I let my life get so out of hand. How did it come to this? Placing my last box in Ginger's car I go back in to see Maria.

Taking in a deep breath I knock on her door, "Come in." she calls out softly. 

Opening the door I walk in to see her packing her bags as well as Gabe in the room. Looking to see it's me he tenses, "Can we get a minute?" I ask him.

He nods his head, "I'll be in the kitchen" he tells her walking past me closing the door. 

"I'm so sorry Maira." I blurt out, "I lost it I saw you in his shirt and you were sleeping in his bed." closing my eyes I move over to sit next to her, "and I accused you of something I know you would never do." my eyes welled again, " I am so sorry and it saying it will never be enough and it won't  make up for the hurt I caused but I want you to know that I am anyway."

"Why did you think that?" she asks after a minute.

Shrugging, "I don't know M."

"You know and you can tell me." she says grabbing my hand.

Letting out a shaky breath, "Okay M, since you're my best friend you deserve to know the truth." standing up I pace the room, "Lorenzo wasn't the first guy to use me to get to you." 

She nods her head, "I know."

"The thing is every time a guys used me to get to you or Ginger I felt as though I wasn't worthy enough and  they would say it to."

"What do you mean?"

"I never told you or Ginger this because I didn't want you guys to worry about me but yeah. Each guy that has tried to use me to get at you two would also let me know I just wasn't enough or that I was too much." looking down at my feet. 

"The fuck?"

"Yeah especially when it came to you alls physical features. I don't know if you know but the guys considered me the ugly friend." shrugging my shoulders, " anyway so when saw you in Caden's bed all my insecurities bubbled up and I lashed out at you." looking up at her bruised face I wanted to cry, "but you didn't deserve it even if you weren't assaulted I shouldn't have jumped to such a fucked up conclusion about why you were there." 

"Agreed." Easing up from her bed with a sharp intake of breath, "We all love you Jade hopefully one day you will see how amazing you are outside of anyones gaze." 

"Yeah hopefully." helping her up the rest of the way, "So who are me and Ginger killing?"

"Gabe and Caden already did." she says smiling, "I will be living with Gabe until things calm down."

"Yeah, Ginger told me." I say heading towards the front door. "What happened last night?" I ask as we stood in front of it.

"Duncan drugged and rapped me." she whispers tears streaming down her face.

My eyes widen, "What?"

"Yeah, that's why I'll be with Gabe in his condo."

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." hugging her as tightly as I could without hurting her whipping her tears away, "if I know anything about these guys is that they will definitely protect a woman in need." 

Scoffing, "So I'm not a stranger anymore?" Gabe asks.

"You were never a stranger I was just mad you're a good guy Gabe take care of my friend." 

"I plan on it." 

"Call me day or night M whenever you need me I'll be there I pinky promise." holding my pinky out to her. 

"Thank you." she say pushing my hand away and hugging me one more time.

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