Chapter Forty Eight

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"So am I going to see your face now?" I ask him. It has been fifteen minutes he went to the restroom before me, got dressed, and left the room while I went to do my own business angling his body away from me the whole time. Here we are now in the kitchen with his back still facing me. 

"Sweetheart I don't think it's a good idea."

"Why?" crossing my arms over myself chest, "Caden, come on I've seen you in the hospital you even came to my house to give me a book banged up. I think I can handle it."

 A dark chuckle passes his lips, "Jade, you cried both of those times and I don't like seeing you cry."

"Okay well what if I promise not to cry."

Shaking his head, "Jade, I don't."

The way he was using my name annoyed me. He never uses it unless we are in an argument and we aren't arguing. "Stop calling me that." I grunt out out of frustration. 

"Stop calling you what?" he asks turning around leaning against the counter. 

Rolling my eyes, "Don't start that playing dumb game Caden."

"You don't like your name?" he asks raising an eyebrow. 

"Not when it comes from you, no." I inform him shaking my head. 

Smirking he drinks his cup of tea, "Well aren't I special?"

Huffing, "Caden."

"Jade." unfolding my arms I rush towards him caging him in he tries to keep his head down and tires to move away from me. Grabbing his chin he winces and standing to his full height looks at the ceiling  away from me. Seeing the bruise on his chin I want to know how bad it is. "Damn it Caden let me see."


"You're being a big baby." getting nothing from him I poke his rib cage. Causing him to fold over giving me a hard look. Victory is mine.  Holding his head still I get a good look at the bruise on his chin, the split in the top left corner of his lip, and the discoloration around his left eye was worse than it was before in fact it was practically swollen shut. "Caden?" searching his face, "what?" swallowing hard I close my eyes and look away, "why?" sighing I release him, "what happened?"

"Me and my oldest brother had it out." 

"The night before your sisters birthday?" placing a hand on my forehead I rub away an approaching headache, "why?" 

"He said some things I said somethings he sucker punched me and we fought."

Shaking my head, "You" pointing at him, "are recovering you are not supposed to be out fighting. Look at your face!" 

"His is worse."

"Caden we are supposed to go to your sisters birthday party in a few hours and."

"We're not going." he cuts off my rant.


"That's what we fought about he had a problem with me bringing you." plopping down on a bar stool at the kitchen island answering my unspoken question, "because my mom has a problem with me quote on quote wrecking her plans at gaining a bigger empire since I told what's her face about her plans." moving closer to me he places his hands on my knees caressing sitting back on the hunches of his feet. "I'm sorry." he whispers out.

So I didn't even have to make an appearance for them to decide I wasn't enough. "It's not your fault." glancing over at the kitchen island, "Are you not going because I am not welcome there?"

Nodding his head, "If they can't even give you a chance sweetheart I don't want to be there."

Shaking my head I take his hand in mine, "Caden you have to go."

Snapping his eyes to mine, "But"

"It's not about them it's about your sister and celebrating her life."

Sighing, "Sweetheart."

Placing a finger over his lips, "I am going to look you over and patch up what I can." with a close lip smile I try to lighten the mood, "you're representing me ya know?" taking Maria's joke. Getting up I go and get the first aid kit. "So what are you wearing?"

"I'm not going." he mumbles as I dab his cut with rubbing alcohol. 

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not we are going to meet her tomorrow for breakfast instead."

"You can do both."

"Why are you so determined to get me to go?" 

"Because family is important."

"Hmmm I'll only go if you come."

Smiling at him I wrap his hand after, "They don't want me to go. Let me see your ribs."

"It's not their party and my ribs are fine."

"Really then why were you holding them?"

"Because he kneed me in them." Raising my eyebrow at him we get into a starring match, "okay fucking fine." lifting his shirt I see the biggest bruise spanning out from his rib cage to his side and down to his hip. No wonder he was so quick to bend down when I poked him. "Do you want to see doc first?"

"I saw him last night everything is fine the bruise is just worse."

Nodding my head at that, "Okay, I am just going to wrap this up then though I really think you should be in bed resting." I mumble out. 

"So do you want to go since it's not their party?"

"No, all though that is true I'm not so sure I should out of respect for their wishes."

"Fuck their wishes." he exclaims, "What are they going to do ruin her birthday in front of all the important friends?"

Sighing I gather up all the wrappers and throw them away following me around the kitchen, "Caden."

"Sweetheart, appearances mean everything" stopping in front of me, "and trust me if you don't go I'm not going."

"You're not serious."

"Look at my face" he says with a stonewall expression, "do I look like I am joking." 

"Caden it's your sisters birthday."

Shrugging he grabs his cup of tea downing it, "Sweetheart even if you kick me out of this house I promise you I will just go meet up with Mike at the gym or something. Besides without my appearance they will be even more upset."

"You're backing me into a corner and that's not fair."

"Who said I was fair?"

"Well I wouldn't want you to miss out on your sister birthday so" smiling at me like he won the lottery.

"Let's go get dressed."

I am now an official party crasher I think following behind him. Getting dressed in the outfit it took Maria and Ginger to throw together from my closet I am nervous and wondering what I am about to walk into. "You ready?" he asks me holding out his hand.

Placing mine in his, "Ready as I'll ever be." Helping me into his truck we head our way to his sisters party and I pray he doesn't get into yet another fight. 

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