Chapter Forty

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Reaching the same diner we enjoyed a few months ago we get out and head in. I can't wait to have their burger the food was great here last time. After ordering and receiving our beverages I settle into our booth, "So minus being a detective today what else did you do?"

Stiffing he avoids eye contact with me, "I went to see my parents."

"Oh, okay how did that go?"

"Well my father is going to my see match and and they both want you to come over for a family dinner soon."

Sipping my sprite I play with the straw paper, "How soon?"

"Two weeks."

Thank god I won't be here I think, "In two weeks I will be visiting my aunt in Hawaii. Maybe we can do it another time?" like never I think.  

Rubbing his hand over his head, "Oh okay I'll umm let them know."

Clearing my throat, "Yeah." awkward silence surrounded our table until our food came.

"Does your aunt want to meet me?" he shy asks me. 

"Right now I don't know." dipping a fry in the glorious pool of ketchup, " she is blaming you for me punching Lorenzo in the face."

Shoulders slump in defeat, "She's not wrong." 

"She's not right Caden he kept pushing me he had it coming." I tell him placing my hand on top of his, "But maybe if I talk to her tomorrow after she's calmed down some you can come with me to visit her." I hear myself say. I pray tomorrow's phone call will be different. 

Digging into his own food, "I was wondering if tomorrow night you'd like to go on a proper date?"

Smiling around a mouth full of delicious goodness refereed to as a burger, "Yes, I would love that."


"What are we doing?"

"You'll see." he winks smiling slowly at me. The rest of our late lunch was finished in silence. But a thought crossed my mind after we left getting back in his truck. "So how should I dress?"

"In a dress with heels if you have them."

 Cheesing hard, "Okay." buckling up we are off to his place. Halfway there I get a text from Ginger don't forget movie night it read. Texting her back that I wouldn't I let her know we have some shopping to do for a date night I am having. Sharing this with Maria in our group chat receiving dancing emojis from the both of them we set a time for it. "Who are texting?"

"The girls tonight is movie night."

"Really? What are you watching?"

"Mama Mia in honor of Ginger living her best life in Greece."

"Interesting can me and the guys join or is it strictly just for you three."

"You guys can join if you want." 

"Cool." texting them when we get to a stop light. We meet everyone at his house and prepare for a movie marathon. Grabbing snacks from the kitchen I prepare some popcorn. 

"You didn't seriously text us here for a chick flick movie marathon." Gabe complains placing the pixie he picked up for dinner down. 

"No he didn't because that would mean he is out of his mind." Mike chimes in.

"Hey, if I'm doing it then so are you two." Caden says drinking his sugarless tea.

"Hey cheer up guys it's in honor of Ginger." I chid them all.

"Exactly guys." Caden comes up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist kissing the top of my head. 

"But isn't this too early she still has another seamster in a half to go." Gabe asks grabbing a handful of popcorn. 

"Maybe but with finals coming up as well as the holidays this is our chance to spend some time  together." I remind them. Grabbing our snacks and beverages we all head out. 

"Why is she moving to Greece after her graduation?" Mike asks me as Gabe and Caden start talking about his match. 

Feeling a little down about her leaving, "I don't know but it is a beautiful place and I can't wait to visit her in it." Feeling him starring at me. 


"You seem to be sad why don't you tell her that?"

"Because she deserves happiness and I refuse to be another person who stands in her way for it."

"You're a good friend."

Doing a shoulder shrug, "I try." 

"Alright we got all the cushions and everything ready." Maria shouts.

"Oh yay we are doing it fort style." I say amazed at what the transformed his movie room into. 

"You know it." Maria says proudly. 

"Got the hair brushes for the sing along portion." I ask placing the popcorn down on the coffee table  and slipping out from under Caden's arm. 

Ginger smiles and pulls them out from behind her back, "But of course."

"Awesome." grabbing my brush I we each put them in the sky. "Microphones unit." we say.

"Your girlfriend and her friends are kinda of weird." I overhear Gabe.

Looking over my shoulder  I see Caden smiling, "Yeah."

"Okay everyone let's find our sits and get comfortable." After watching, dancing, singing, and forcing the guys to join in when we could. We had a great night. I think super trouper was everyones favorite that night. Thinking about singing the song to Caden and winking at him when he smiled at me I laugh at myself mentally for having forgotten pretty much about everyone else in the room. Picking everything up and placing the pillows and blankets back where they belong. The guys had went to the home gym to train with Caden some. "I hope we are like them as friends when we get old." I say.

"Yeah I hope each of us stay alive so we can enjoy more moments like that together." Maria says.

"We are going to be young, hot, and fun, forever." Ginger says tossing a cushion back on the chair.

"I don't know about you guys but I am ready to shower and sleep." I say stretching, "all that dancing made me tired."

"Okay let's go ahead and scratch of young." Maria says around a yawn.

"I second that motion." I say over a yawn.

"I think I pulled a muscle." Ginger says as we walk out and head to our rooms, "Young is defiantly off the list." Laughing we part ways saying goodnight. 

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now