Chapter Thirty Five

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"You heard that right?" I ask the very handsy Caden. Even when he was getting his vitals taken he refused to let me go. Holding me close and placing soft, brushing kisses on my face and neck. 

Barely lifting his head from my neck. "Heard what?" Brushing another kiss on the softest part of my neck making my legs turn into useless noodles. 

"What do you mean what?" crossing my arms over my chest I narrow my eyes tapping my foot, "the  discharge orders you where just given Caden."

Dark eyes glossed over with lust, "Yes." 

"Mmmhmmm", stepping back causing his arms to fall away from my waist I glare at him, "and exactly what were they?"

Shrugging with a sheepish smile he rubs his hand over his head, "All I heard was to not be alone and that I'm fine and can resume training soon." 

"Caden, you have to be careful even  though your scans showed nothing is wrong you still have to have someone keep up with observation just in case." 

Grinning he says, "I know." 

"So then why are you smiling?" My eyebrows furrow in confusion. What is happening?

"Because that means you will have to be at my place watching over me."  reaching out for me again he wraps his arms around me. 

Smiling back at him, "When did I volunteer for that?"

"When you asked me out yesterday."

"I don't remember it happening quite like that."

Raising an eyebrow, "How exactly do you remember it?"

Hugging him, "I remember you asking me out and me giving you the wonderful opportunity of being my boy friend." 

"Okay" laughing, " that still means you sweetheart are now my primary caregiver."

"Ugh, such a burden to bear." I reply jokingly in a British accent. We laugh at how horrible I was. 

"You ready to go?" he asks after getting a ping on his phone.

"Yeah." Taking my hand he leads me out  he refused to go out in a wheel chair. Reaching outside I see Gabe waiting in line  leaning on the passenger side door ignoring  a bunch of angry people.

"Thank fuck you two finally came out these fuckers here seem to stay with a stick permanently shoved up their asses or something." he yells the last part sticking his middle finger up to a large man who honks back. Laughing Caden helps me in the backseat and goes into the front.

"Were are we headed off too?" he asks as he pulls out.

"To her house to grab some of her things."

Raising a brow at that, "Caden we live in the same apartment building I can just stay the night at your place and go to mine for anything I need."

"You didn't tell her did you?" Gabe asks Caden.

"No not yet."

"Tell me what?"

Releasing a sigh, "Sweetheart you and your friends are going to be staying with me at my home."


"Because it's for you alls safety."

Folding my arms across my chest, "I am going to need more information than that."

"For fuck sake man quit beating around the bush." stopping at a red light Gabe turns back to look at me remorse filling his eyes, "The creep you hit yesterday broke into your apartment and destroyed some things. Your friend wasn't home thank God but she walked into a mess."

"What?" I am barely able to even get the word out past the lump in my throat. 

"Yeah, he was pretty pissed about you sucker punching him in his face." I sat frozen in his backseat not knowing what to say. After a block of us driving in tension filled silence. 

"What all did he destroy?"

"Mainly you're things your laptop, ripped up some note books, broke lamps, dishes, tore your bed with a knife, destroyed pillows,  threw clothes everywhere." Each word he spoke was like a knife to my heart.

Lips trembling eyes burning with unshed tears, "Did he destroy any photos? Was anything messing? " I ask desperately. Those were the most precious to me I can get the other stuff replaced but my family photos and my moms favorite pearls and dad's cologne I could never. 

"Broke some picture frames but no pictures were missing your friend made sure of that." turning a corner, " and we weren't sure about anything missing we figured you could check to make sure."

Rolling my lips in I solemnly nodded my head. Please don't let anything be stolen I prayed as we reached my apartment building. Releasing a shaky breath I brace myself to open my door. Caden of course beat me to it though. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." gathering me in his arms he hugs me tight. "I just didn't know how."

Nodding my head at this squeeze him back allowing myself to let a few tears slip out, "It's okay I wouldn't know how to handle it anyway." 

"His going to pay for it all don't worry about it."

Nodding my head I whisper an okay. "Lets go find out if anything is missing." dreading going up I nod my head and take his hand as he leads me on wooden legs to my now vandalized apartment. 

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