Chapter Fifty Four

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After everyone leaves the classroom Professor Brynn closes the door so her and Caden can have their own private discussion. Why didn't he do the presentation? Is all I can think waiting for him to come out.

"Looks like Beast has a big distraction." Emily says passing by sipping on a water bottle.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask her.

With an evil smirk on her face, "I mean you have obviously been a distraction for him to fail his final and be involved with the cops."

"How did you-"

"Know?" shrugging, "my cousin Amy told me all about it." crossing her arms, "Your missing with his future maybe someone of your class should step down and find someone else." were her parting words. What is this High School Musical? Ignoring her I wait for Caden to come out after two more minutes the door slams open. He walks past me not even acknowledging my existence.

"Caden?" I ask jogging to keep up with his long leg stride, "Caden." I call out again with no answer. Grabbing his arm I force him to stop, " Damn it Caden what did she say?" looking at him, "Why did didn't you do your presentation? I know you did the work or at least part of it when we were partners I don't understand."

"Let's go we're going to be late to our flight."

Nodding my head, "Okay but I'm not letting this go." lacing our fingers together, "you're going to tell me what's going on." Making it to Gabe's SUV we both get in. "Thank fuck you two came I thought I was going to have to send out a search party for you guys."

Grunting at that Caden buckles himself in, "Let's go." at his tone Gabe looks back at me shrugging my shoulders and shaking my head.

"Okay let's get you to out of here." The car ride was thick and heavy with awkward silence. The only thing that made me want to laugh was Gabe's reckless driving being stopped by Caden hitting him in the back of his head. With the stern warning of "Drive like you got some fucking sense." Turning up the music Gabe grumbled out a few curse words I couldn't make out they got lost in whatever conversation they were having. Getting lost in the buildings and traffic we were passing in seeing the airport so close by I buzzed with excitement. I had a two week vacation and my aunt and I were finally going to be in the same place. There was so much to catch up on so much to talk about I couldn't wait for her to meet the man I love and love him too.
Reaching the airport it was nice seeing all of the people coming and going some longer than others. But each being welcomed back with loving hugs or being departed with them. Getting out we start to unload Gabe's SUV.

Smacking his hands together and rubbing them,"You guys got everything?" Gabe asks as he helps takes things out.

"Yep."I tell him pooping the p smiling big not even with his crappy attitude right now could take away this exciting moment.

"Okay." smiling back at me, "have fun dude" he pats Caden's shoulder, "and you be safe let us know when you guys get there." He points at me coming in and hugging me right off my feet.

"Bye Gabe you and Mike watch over my friends please."

Winking, "Of course."

"That's enough." Caden grumble out.

Rolling my eyes I give Gabe a big squeeze before releasing, "See you guys in a two weeks."
"We'll miss you guys." He calls out getting honked at flipping people off he gets in his car. Looking over at Caden who has a scowl on his face.

"Let's go before we miss our flight." I tell him picking up my bags and rushing to the doors.

"Slow down before you break something." He tells me grabbing a bag that was too heavy stopping me in my hast.

"I can't I get to see my aunt and I'm just so excited." I tell him.

Raising an eyebrow at me, "I see that but you need to be careful."

"Okay, okay." I tell him half listening, "let's go before we miss the plane." I tell him rushing towards the crowd of people to get to our destination. After going through the airlines process of checking in we head to our plane and board it finding our seats.

"You can take the seat near the window." I tell him as he puts our bags above us.

"Why don't you want the seat?"

"Well I ummm I have the bladder of a two year old so it would be best if you sat there." I say the lie rolling out with no hesitation. 

"Are you scared sweet heart?"

"Nooo I just don't want to disturb your sleep its a straight fly there." I say playing with my fingers.

"I think I will be fine sweetheart." tipping my face up he stares into my eyes, "besides I don't want my sleep ruined because you wanna see the plane land."

"Okay fine." scooting past him I get in the window seat. Getting in our seats I try my hardest not to look out the window. I am more than excited to see my aunt but flying has never been my favorite I hate heights. Okay well maybe not so much the heights as I fear falling from a place so high. Taking in a deep calming breath I release it grabbing the arms of the seat tightly after the pilot announces we are about to fly. "You're going to be fine sweetheart I'm right here." Caden's calm voice coming through my fear raddled mind. 

"I'm fine." I tell him inhaling a sharp breath as we lift off into the sky. 

"You're panicking." grabbing my hand he laces our fingerings together, "I'm right here." moving in closer, "Close your eyes and listen to my voice." Following his instructions I move into him clutching his arm, grasping his hand, and leaning my head on his shoulder. He hums a song I never heard of. Rubbing my hand with his thumb while running his fingers through my hair, over my ear, and over my face. His baritone hums cause me to relax and soon I feel myself drifting off to sleep. 

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