Chapter Fifty Seven

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I waited for Caden to return only for my aunt to do so holding her handing over her protruding belly. "He told me you would be out here." she says moving closer to me, "he seems really nice he and Robert are really hitting it off." 

Nodding my head at that, "Yeah Caden his great." looking out at the palm trees, "Robert seems nice too."

"I wanted to tell you but I was worried about how you would react."

"Its fine auntie you found you a husband and you're clearly pregnant things are going very great for you here." Others lives always gets better when you're not apart of it. Closing my eyes at the harsh words the floated my mind. 

"I know what you're thinking Jade." she tells me putting an arm around me, "I am going to make it back for your graduation and any other special event life throws at you."

A sad smile crosses my lips, "I look forward to those visits."

"You know you could say you're happy for me."

"I am happy for you I am over joyed heck I am over the freaking moon." I spit out moving away form her. 

"Jade I know you're upset." she tries to reason with me. 

"Upset auntie I am so pissed off at you right now." I wipe the tear that came out, "You got married and didn't even think to invite me you're pregnant and didn't t think to say so." 

Hissing in a sharp breath tears swim in her eyes, "I wanted to tell you but I couldn't find the words."

"So you thought what you could  just spring this on me?"

"No that wasn't the plan."

"Then what?" taking in a deep breathe, "what did you think I couldn't handle it our something. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy and to be apart of it but clearly things are better for you when I am not so why auntie why invite me here."

"Because I wanted you to be apart I wanted you to meet the man I love and dreamed about marrying I wanted you to be apart of the experience of your cousin being born in a few more months." 

Shaking my head, "I don't believe you because if that were true you would have said something from the beginning not the end." Looking up at the sky, "You always told me actions speak louder than words and yours are speaking volumes." 


Waving my hand I cut her off, "I need to go." as I was turning to leave she grabs my arm. 

"Now you wait just a damn minute Jade. I gave up everything to take care of you because no one else would."

"The truth finally comes out. You resent me and I am nothing but a burden to you." a bitter chuckle escapes my lips, "Its great things worked out for you here." snatching my arm away from her I turn my back on her, "Don't worry in the morning we will be gone." 

Heading back to their house I slam the door open. "Is everything okay out there we heard a lot of yelling." Caden asks me as I bypass him to head to the guest room slamming the door shut. I take everything off and take a shower a long crying shower. Of course I am nothing but a burden I always have been and always will be. After washing my body I was so numb the cold running water against my skin was the only thing that made me realize I needed to get out. Coming out after washing my face and brushing my teeth. I see a very concerned Caden watching my movements as I dig out clean clothes from my suitcase.

"Sweetheart are you sure you're okay?

"Yeah everything is fine don't unpack anything we are leaving in the morning." I mumble out. 

"Are you sure that's the best thing considering your aunt came in crying hysterically a blubbering mess?" 


"And I know you did your own these walls aren't as thick as mine." Grabbing an oversized t-shirt and some shorts I go back in the restroom and get dressed. Coming back out I feel him watching me like a hawk. "If you really want to leave we can I can get us a room at the four seasons resort maui at Wailea for the next fe weeks."

"That sounds great." I tell him turning my phone completely off and getting in the bed. 

Caden takes his own shower and a half and hour later I feel the bed dip and him pulling me into him, "Sweetheart you know I am here for you whenever you want to talk right?"

Sniffling I wipe the tears that seem to continue to stream down my face, "I know" hugging his arm around me, "thank you." Humming the same unknown song from the plane I drift to sleep. Waking up I lay there in bed going over the conversation between me and my aunt in my head. Why does it seem so hard for those I love to love me back? Soon my bladder lets itself be known that its time to go. Wiggling out from underneath Caden's arm I rush to the bathroom and once that's over my stomach rumbles with hunger. Braving my way out of the room to find some sort of snack to munch on. She's pregnant there has to be something in the kitchen for late night snacks. Opening the fridge I grab the fixings to make a turkey sandwich once I was done I see a light on in the back and someone sitting with a ukulele the deep baritone voice is hypnotizing and soon I find my way out back sandwich and all. I found a good spot on the back porch steps and sit listening to the song and enjoying the nice breeze. 

When my presence is known the playing stops. "I didn't realize I was playing so loudly." Roberts voice carries out to me. 

"It's fine." I tell him over a mouth full of sandwich.

"So you still plan on leaving tomorrow."

Nodding my head, "She doesn't want me here so why am I going to stay?"

He stares at me intently with his brown eyes, "She needs you here she doesn't just want you here. As tough as your aunt  might be she is scared."

"Scared of what?"

Shrugging, "Child brith and parenting."

"She'll be fine she's got you."

"But I am not all she needs." strumming his thumb on the strings gently, "As much as she would hate to say it because she wants you to like me I was the one who didn't want her to say anything to you."

Pausing in taking another bite of my sandwich, "What?"

"I didn't want her to say anything to you."


"Because when she told me she was pregnant I didn't want to jinx it."

"How would you have?" clearing my throat, "this isn't making any sense Robert."

"I'm dancing around the subject like the fire that dances around the logs." sighing, "When me and your aunt met each other I was in a very dark place I had lost my wife and child when my wife was giving birth four years ago. I didn't want to do all of this again but." he pauses.


"I fell madly in love with Shirley she had so much light in her and helped me to get some of my own back. So when she told me she was pregnant I didn't hesitate to propose but out of my own fear I didn't want her to say anything I didn't want to risk it. Because if they child caused harm to her it would no longer exist I can do many things alone. But after being with her I never want to." 

"So what you're telling me is she couldn't tell me about her pregnancy?"

Nodding his head solemnly, "Yes out of my own fear and selfishness."

"But that doesn't explain why she couldn't have said something about her wedding."

"We aren't married yet I gave her a ring but she didn't set a date because she wanted no needed her best friend here." Snorting at the comment he stands up and heads for the door pausing,  "you might not want to hear it but she loves you greatly and she never thought one second that you were a burden she needs you here Jade." 

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