Chapter Four

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I tired so hard to beat the time I had half an hour before he would be back. Racing through my shower wasn't that hard with my cast being in the way. I had already  washed my face and brushed my teeth. Now I just needed to get dressed. Glancing at the time I noted I had fifteen minutes before he got back. Throwing on my sports bra, granny panties, sweats, hoodie, one sock, and my right classic van high top shoe. I grabbed my crutches and body crossing Micheal Kors rushing to open the door. Seeing him leaning against the wall right in front my door I immediately shut the door. His deep chuckle at my reaction made me groan I was so sure I was on time. I even ignored all the pain in my body trying to bet his arrival. Light tapping had me backing away from the door. "Come on open out I know you're in there."  Tightly closing my eyes damn it why is he so stubborn couldn't he take the hint and back off. "We have errands" We he is thinking of him and I as a we? " to run and I don't have all day." So I could wait him out. Hearing this my mind stopped racing fantastic I can out wait him I thought. 

But what can I say to make him wait it out long enough that he will leave? I couldn't use that I was sick. What if I said I was still undressed? You can't use that dummy he just saw you. Shit well maybe I lost a clutch? Seeing my door knob turn brought me back out of my thoughts he made the decision for me. What type of sketchy past or present did he have where he knew how to pick locks? If I wasn't injured I would have pushed the door back closed. "Come on out." he said the door now wide open between us. Stumbling over my words, "You know if you're  busy you could do what you need to do and I can go run errands alone."  Scoffing at my statement he took a step towards me. Eyes widening I scrambled back almost falling on my ass since I was already off balance. His reached out grabbing me before I could hit the ground. I mean I know I wasn't light how was able to do things so effortlessly. Pushing away from him ignoring the feelings of warmth he made me feel. 

A hard look came over his face, "Are you scared of me?"

"NO."  As soon as the word flies out I know it's true. He is annoying, stubborn, and rude but scary no. Though his demeanor screams danger something else lies underneath it all. Starring at him I notice how tense his face is like he wears a permeant scowl all day. A group of giggling girls start coming down the hallway quickly moving  further into my apartment. He folds his arms and stares me down. However he isn't intimidating to me. Scanning his body I note he carries a lot of tension throughout his body. "Are you done eye fucking me sweetheart?"   he teases me.

Rolling my eyes at him, "I was not checking anything on you out and I just don't want to be a bother."

"You're not bothering me I'm offering." slowly the words are said as if my brain was not able to comprehend them. 

"Your day can not be so boring that you want to run errands with a girl you don't know."

His dark eyes ate at me making me want to run and hide away. Why did he always make me feel like I was a bug underneath a microscope he was studying, "Let's go I don't have the time for this."

Scoffing at his tone, "Then go do your things and I'll do mine." I insist again. Glaring at me through his thick lashes he picked me up like a foot ball and grabbed my crutches. Placing me outside the door he put me down and handed me my crutches. He stood at my door for a second. I am assuming he locked it since he started walking away as if I was supposed to just follow. "Why are you such a caveman?" I asked him, "You can't just keep picking me up and forcing me to go places with you." Going back to open my door planning to lock all the locks. Try and pick those I thought haughtily. Placing my crutches on the door I reached my purse. The purse that was supposed to be still across my body. Panicking I started looking on the hallway floor did he make me drop it in the house? Eyes widening at the thought. With a mental face palm I started to panic even more everything was in the purse. My phone was in there how can I call for help? Looking back down the hallway  towards the stairs. I see him holding my purse in the air as if it was some sort of trophy son of a bitch. 

Scooping my clutches back up I made my way to him as quickly as possible. "Do you rob people for a living or something?" A snort was my only answer. "Where are we going?" he asked once we made it outside. "Do I get my purse back if I tell you?" I bargained. 

"No, you'll get it when we're done with all errands."

"Ugh,  you're such an irritating person."

"So are you."

"Whatever, I am going to the library first, then get some food, and grab my medicine and other things for my useless foot." Now that I have my original crutches back I don't need to see Dr. Sanders.

"Okay, that's easy stuff I was honestly expecting a lot more." Hope bloomed in my heart. 

"So does that mean you're leaving."

Chucking at me, "Nope, I'm still tagging along." Swinging a heavy arm over my shoulders he walked with me to the first destination on the list. I must say running errands with this guy wasn't all that bad. Well at least it wouldn't have been if people weren't whispering, fans weren't mean mugging or gapping at us like we were fish out of water that suddenly grew legs. He actually came in handy I wouldn't have been able to carry everything alone. Not that I would ever admit that to him. Going over each syllabi while eating the Thai takeout he paid for since he wouldn't give me back my purse until we got back to my place. Everything was going great until I reached my last professor.  Professor Richardsons class I realized I not only missed some reading and was now behind. But I didn't even have the damn book to start. Groaning I leaned back in the chair I was now I needed to see if they had the book at the local bookstore. "What's wrong now?" Oh yeah the beast hadn't yet left my side. We were eating in the living room and since he did buy the food I said he could stay if he left me alone the rest of the day. 

"I have to go to the bookstore tomorrow."


"Because I am missing a book for one of my classes and am behind on reading."

"What class?"

Did it matter? "Psychology." Nodding his head thoughtfully. 

"Which professor?"

"Richardsons. Honestly what does it matter?"

"Nothing I'll get it for you later?" I don't need him getting anything for me. 

"I just said I would get tomorrow its bad enough you bought me food I don't need you getting my books too."

He said nothing back just starred at me making me uneasy with his obsidian eyes. The darkest part of the ocean is what they looked like to me. "Why do you have a problem with accepting help?"


"You seem to constantly fight hard to seem independent." he stated, "Why?"

"I'm not trying to seem like anything." Crossing my arms I meet his gaze head on, "I just like doing things alone."

"Interesting" cocking his head to the side, " you say you like doing things alone yet here I am eating lunch with you."

Scrambling my mind for an explanation, "You paid for it. It would have been rude not to."

"Hmmm" he muttered, "If you say so." 

Opening my mouth to say something back his phone pinged alerting him of a text. Looking at it he got off my couch and walked towards the door. "Don't forget to ice your ankle and prop it up. I'll be back later with the book."

"Ugh, you're so stubborn Caden I just said I'll get the book. I don't know how many times I have to say it."

Pausing at the open door his body stiffened, "How do you know my name?" His phone pinging like crazy maybe the stalkers have found his number. Jealousy rose in my chest wow Jade get it together. He is not yours and will never be. 

"My best friend Maria told me."

His back was still turned but some tension had released form his shoulders, "What's yours?"

"Why?" Studying his back I wanted to know why he was so tense about me knowing his name. Was it a big secret?

 A humorless laugh came out facing me he asked, "Don't you think it's strange that you know who I am all have is a last name?"

He has a fair point looking in his eyes I responded, "Jade." He opened his mouth to say something when his phone started to ring. "I'll see you later Jade." Answering his phone call he was out the door. 

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