Chapter Sixty One

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"So now that you're back how was everything?" Maria asks me as we eat ice cream on the way to  the movie room.

"It was very surreal." I tell her as I scoop up another spoonful of chocolate chip cookie dough. 

"I bet I still can't believe your aunt got married and is having a baby."

Nodding my head, "I couldn't either but she's handling it amazingly and she's going to be a great mom."

"Well we all know that you turned out okay." she says with a duh tone. 

Laughing I bump her hip with mine, "Thanks I guess."

"So how was everything while I was gone?"

"It was interesting Ginger broke things off with what's his face." she says grabbing a throw blanket and remote, "she found the bastard in bed with someone else" Turing on the projector she scans through Netflix, "and Lorenzo is back at it again."

"What do you mean again?" I ask getting comfortable in the chair next to hers with my own throw blanket.

"I mean his calling himself the new underground champ and is just being full out obnoxious." 

"He hasn't said or do anything to you guys though right?"

"As if he could get near us Gabe and Mike kept us away from things the whole time."

Looking at the side of her face as she clicks on New Girl, "What things?"

"You know the usual him starting problems them squashing it."


"Gabe is really cute don't you think?"

Nodding my head I swallow the big bite I had just eaten as Schimdet hits on CeCe, "Yeah he is" tapping the spoon against my lips, "are you interested?"


Pausing the show I look at her, "Okay, yes but I'm sure his seeing someone."

"You want me to ask?"

"Could you" she exclaims excitedly flopping back in the chair hitting play again, "gosh that was weighing on me." Laughing at her we watch the most ridiculous men do the most and laugh at Schimdet scaring Winston when he wakes him up with no eyebrows. "I wonder if that is how the guys are with each other?" Maria asks.

Shrugging, "Maybe fighter edition style though." We part ways when the guys get back and Ginger comes in.

"So I heard you had the most interesting time in Hawaii." Ginger says.

"Yeah, and I hear you had your own interesting time here." I tell her raising an eyebrow, "how are you feeling?" 


Sitting on her bed, "Yes." 

"Grateful and relieved that he cheated so I could leave here without any type of unwanted ties." 

"I get that."

"How about you?" she asks flopping down looking at the ceiling fan, "How are you? Did you tell him you love him?"

"No but everything with my aunt the past two weeks have made me realize a lot."

Looking at me she rolls over, "Like what?"

"Like there are still so many things I need to work on before I tell him."

"With that type of thinking Jade you're never going to tell him."

"What do you mean?"

"You're overthinking it."

"Maybe but I want to be sure like extremely positive before I say three words and can't take them back or back them up with any actions." Looking at the time, "I'm going to go to sleep my class starts early and I am very jet lagged." I tell her walking out of her door before closing it behind me she says.

"Jade I know that love is scary and I know why you overthink these things I just don't want you to miss out on them thinking you have to be perfect all the time."

"I know I love you friend."

"I love you too now go get some sleep." Walking up the stairs I was not expecting to see Caden freshly showered and dressed in all black texting furiously on his phone. 

"Where are you going?" I ask him shutting the door behind me. 

"I have a fight I have to go to."

"I thought you had a month in a half to fight Lorenzo did they speed up the date?"

"Hmmm oh no its not mine Mike and Gabe are fighting tonight?"

My eyes widen, "Each other?" I gasp out.

Shacking his head not looking up form his screen, "No they each have their own match." 

Walking up to him I wrap my arms around him, "Can I go?"

Looking down at me like I've grown two heads, "You want to go?"


"You sure?" I nod my head, "because last time you nearly had an anxiety attack."

"I want to go besides I know you won't be fighting and I didn't know they boxed."

"Yeah that is how me and Gabe grew close and we met Mike."

"Awesome so do I have to change?"

"As good as you look in what you're wearing of course."

Laughing I go towards the closet, "I am in sweat pants and a big t-shirt there is no way I look anything but comfortable."

"You sweetheart are the lyrics of Drake's song the one every girl wish's was about them." he says blowing me a kiss winking at me. 

"Mmmmhmm." I tell him shutting the closet door in his face while inside I was a melted pool of goo. I find an old long sleeved oversized purple plaid button down that I pair with a black long sleeve, black tights, and my chuck's. Opening the door he stands in front of me. "You are the best." he tells me biting his lower lip, "Let's go you're making me think things." 

Laughing at him, "Boy bye these are simple clothes."

"But you wear them so well."

 Shaking my head at him, "So dramatic." I grab his hand and we head to see his cousin and best friend's fight. 

We ride in the car listening to smooth jazz, "Who are they up against?"

"Lorenzo's goons."

Rolling my eyes of course they are, "Does the whole school box?"

Chuckling, "No but a handful of girls and guys from our campus do."

"Huh, I didn't know that."

"Of course not outsiders aren't supposed to." he informs me turning a corner down an alley street.

"So I am an outsider?" I ask pointing at myself. 

Lifting a shoulder, "Not anymore you're with me." 

"Lucky me I guess." 

"As long as you know." he laughs when I flip him off. Reaching our destination we get out and met with Gabe and Mike.

"Hey guys." I say waving to them.

"You brought her here?" Gabe asks.

Shrugging, "She wanted to come." is all Caden says. 

Glancing between them, "Was I not supposed to be here?"

"It's not that it's just the bitch boy is here and we didn't want you near him." Gabe says side eyeing Caden. 

"While I'm here his not going to." Caden confidently tells him.

Mike and Gabe give each other a look before continuing to get ready. Not liking The look they  shared Caden walks over to them and huddles them in the corner to  talk to them. I stand against a wall awkwardly trying not to look at the people starring at me. "Alright I'll see you guys out there." Caden yells to them coming back to me he throws an arm over may shoulder, "Let's go its about to start."

"What was that about?"

 Shaking his head, "Don't worry about it you're about to witness something amazing."

Breaking Free (Story One) *Unedited* Where stories live. Discover now