Chapter Fifty Eight

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I sit and stare at the moon in the sky everything just seems so much clearer here with the sound of the waves gently lapping the shore. I sat and wondered about what I was going to say to my aunt in the morning. I could just say I am sorry and the shock of everything made me feel and say crazy things. 

Or you could just be honest and tell her how you always felt like you were the reason she couldn't live her life. That you always felt like you were a huge burden that weighed heavily on her shoulders. 

Taking in a deep breath as the sting of tears burn my eyes for the third time today. You can't say her happiness matters and then shit on the whole thing when she finds it. It might not include you but she deserves like she said she took you in and raised you when no one else wanted to. 

Nodding my head I  whip the stare tears from my face and sniffle a few times finally letting that deep breath go. Getting up from the stairs dusting my shorts off I have to make it right for her she deserves this more than anyone. Throwing away my bottle of water and cleaning my plate I walk back to the guest room. Hearing the soft conversation between my aunt and new uncle.

"I wished I hadn't said that to her she's always had a hard time with feeling wanted an d I threw taking care of her in her face." she shrieks the last word, "As if the death of her parents were her fault." hearing her sniffle creates a pang in my heart, "I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves in the middle of the night without saying good bye."

"She isn't going to leave." he tries to reassure her.

"How do you know that?" she spits out angrily.

"Because I do she wouldn't leave you in your time of need just like you didn't leave her."

"Robert baby she is hurt and she has every right to be I brought her here on false pretenses." an even louder sniffle, "I told her nothing and now she's here and we argued which we never do and." pausing I hear a gut wrenching cry causing tears to instantly spring to my own covering my mouth I listen to her heart broken words, "I'm going to lose her and she is my everything she is more to me than just my niece. She has become my friend, my confidant, my everything and I broke our trust." blowing her nose, "I mean Robert really how is she going to forgive me? She cried in front of me and she didn't even do that when she was a kid." sniffle, "I would sit and listen to it at her door waiting for her to come to me. What if this whole time she has always been okay without me?" She sobs more making me have my own sobs. 

"Baby Shirely please stop crying its not good for either of you." hearing him kissing her, " she needs you baby she does it's going to be fine trust me."

"Okay." she mumbles out.

"I'm going to get you some water stay here and get comfortable." Hearing him get out of bed I rush away from their door she's just as heartbroken and didn't mean what she said. 

Going back in to lay back down I snuggle up to Caden and wrap my arms around him. "Sweetheart you're cold. Why are you so cold?"

"I was outside talking to Robert."

"Mmm" he grunts out wrapping me more into the blankets and plunging me into the furnace he callas a body, "What did you guys talk about?"

"About everything."

"That's good, so does that mean you're going to patch things up with your aunt."

Nodding my head I play her words back in my head, "I plan too." 

He hugs me tighter, "Mmmm that's great sweetheart now lets go back to sleep."



"Thank you for coming with me."

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." placing his hand over my mouth, "now shush I'm sleeping."

Giggling I cuddle up to him closing my eyes thinking of a way to get my aunt alone so we can have a really good, long, and well needed talk. 

Waking up to the smell of food was the best thing in the world. "Sweetheart if we're going to get up the best time would be now especially with the smell of." sniffling the air he mumbles, "mmm chocolate chip waffles, turkey bacon, eggs." 

"You part wolf now?"

"No but I love food."

"I do too but your love is on another love."

"Hmmm let's get up and go I can't wait to eat and you and I both need to freshen up before then."

"Okay, okay... you go first and I'll go second." 

"Nope you go first you're not about to chicken out on your conversation with your aunt." he says standing and yawing in his stretch. Rolling over I pretended not to hear him until he snatches the blanket off. "Babe." I whine out, "give me back the blanket."

"No I'm not letting you do this."

"Do what?"

"Hurt yourself."

"How am I hurt-"

Waving a hand at me, "You're hurting yourself by not fixing things with you're aunt you and I both know how important she is to you and you to her."

Rolling my eyes at him I hate it when his right, "Ugh, fucking fine." stomping to the bathroom I do my business and once I'm done washing my hands I throw waitron my face patting it dry. His right I can't hide in here forever. Sighing in frustration I brush my teeth. What am I even going to say to her? Say what's in your heart. 

"Sweetheart." Caden says tapping on the door.

"I'm coming." taking a deep breath I release it. Plastering a smile on my face I bump right into him. Placing his hands on each side of my face he kisses my forehead, "It'll be a real smile as soon as you two talk this out."

"I know I'm just nervous." 

"You got this." 

"I hope so." pushing him back a little, "now go and brush you teeth you've got dragon's breath." Laughing at his shocked expression I head towards the kitchen to find my aunt. 

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