Chapter Forty Seven

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I laid awake in bed waiting for him. I scrolled through social media, I talked to my aunt, I even took an hour bath. Where was he? Was he okay? I pray his not back in the damn hospital again. Sighing I give up and look at our messages again. 

Sorry sweetheart I won't be back until late maybe even after you've gone to bed. 

Why? What's going on?

Family issues I'll tell you more when I get back. Well if you're awake that is.

Now here I am at one o'clock in the morning waiting for him. Its been a few hours maybe I should ask him if his okay or at least see when his coming home. You don't want to come off as to clingy.  Grabbing his pillow I scream into it frustratedly. I am being dramatic his okay and I'll see him in the morning. I tell myself trying to self soothe. You know what would make everything better? Chocolate. True a late night snack would help. Getting out of his bed I go down stairs towards the kitchen. Hearing the microwave I wonder if Ginger or Maria had a late night craving as well. Walking in I see the back of Caden holding a bag of frozen peas on his hand.

"Caden?" I whisper his name so as not to startle him. 

"Hey sweetheart I thought you would be asleep by now." he says lazily not facing me.

"Well I was but I was worried and then I got hungry so.." approaching him slowly, cautiously he grabs his food and moves to the other side still not facing me. "Caden what is going on?" 

"Nothing I ummm I think I will eat upstairs."

"Caden, wait." sighing as he speeds out of the kitchen I slowly clean up the mess he made and grab my chocolate bar. I know from the looks of it he was in another fight but why? Preparing myself for what I was about to see I slowly walk up the staircase. He was still recovering so I know the new bruises are going to add to his time of recovery. I hope he didn't hurt his ribs further or bump his head to hard. Walking into the room I see his plate finished sitting on the nightstand and hear his shower running. Getting into my side of the bed I wait for him to come out leaving the lights on so I can see what he is so desperately trying to hide. Folding the blanket down I check my phone for any messages from my aunt when he opens the door creeping out slowly and holding his rib cage I knew it was bad. Not even acknowledging me he heads towards the closet and gets dressed in loose grey drawstring pants and a black t shirt. He never wears t shirts to bed. Quickly replying to my aunt that I couldn't wait for vacation to start so I could see her. Turning towards him as he gets in the bed I wait for him to say something anything to explain to me what has happened. After about two minutes he only asks me to turn off the lights. Turning them off I lay on my side facing him and he lays on his side facing away from me. 

Scooting closer to him I place my hand on his back and creep up over his shoulders and into his hair. "Caden I know you're in pain right now and I don't know what happened or what caused you to fight in your healing state." Taking in a deep breath, "but I'm right here whenever you want to share." not getting a response I scoot closer and wrap my arm underneath his holding him from behind. Lips quivering I roll them and then place my forehead on his shoulder, "Okay?" His only response was to intwine our fingers placing them to his lips he kisses each finger and the back of my hand. Snuggling back into me we fall asleep like that. Waking up the next day I was happy to see myself still wrapped around Caden. Today was officially his sisters birthday and I was slightly freaking out. I truly hopes she likes the gift even though Caden, Ms. Eleanor, and my friends reassured me I still wasn't to sure. They could just be saying that not to make me feel bad. She comes from a wealthy family so I wonder if she would even like something that wasn't expensive. My aunt used to say that quality is always better than quantity she mainly said that because I always questioned if something was wrong with me since I had only one friend and no one ever seemed to want me. Smiling at the memory that wove it's way through my brain. 

I was sitting on the tire swing my uncle had just built for my cousins on his farm. I had just got into an argument with my cousin Jasmine because she had invited me to her birthday sleepover and she was being so rude to me. I called her out for being a bully whenever she was around her friends who didn't even care for the attitude she showed to someone younger then her. Only for her to badly state the only reason I felt that way is because I was only invited to her party because we were family and  I only had one friend so I would never know what it was like to be cool. Tears streaming down my face, head buried in my hands, and shoulders shaking as I wept. I eventually just sat there and lightly pushing myself with my big toe swaying form side to side. That's how my aunt found me when my uncle gave up on trying to convince me that I should stay and come inside. "What's going on Jade?" she calmly asks me. Sitting down in front of me in the plushy grass. 

Shrugging, "I just want to go home." I inform her in the smallest voice I didn't even think she heard me.

Nodding  her head at that, "Yeah, I know but why?" poking my foot, "you were invited to a nice party for your big cousin. Don't you think you should stay and enjoy it?"

Slowly shaking my head lips trembling, "I don't want to I don't think she even really wants me here."

"What makes you think that?"

Tears pooling in my eyes, "She said so. She said that the only reason I was invited was because I was family then she told everyone I only had one friend." I was so tired and numb I should have expected this. I mean before I was placed with my aunt it seemed no one wanted me around. 

"Oh baby" she gets up and hugs my cold body to hers, "I am so sorry she said those mean, hurtful things to you." smoothing my unruly curls back from my face planting the most gentle kiss on my forehead. Hugging me again this time a little tighter,  "I want you to remember something okay because this is very important." Nodding my head against her stomach she continues, "It's not about how many people you know or how many things you own or have. It is however about the people who love you, the people who embrace you, and welcome you with open arms." taking in a sharp breath, "It's about quality not quantity. And chipmunk you have a great friend in Ginger." snickering, "we can't say the same for Jasmine though." 

Smiling up at her, "Okay, but auntie can we go home now."

"Oh yes we're going home but not before I do something." And on that day my aunt cussed my uncle out and took back the expensive gift she got for Jasmine. Letting them both know that terrible behavior should never get rewarded and if he was a better parent he would handle that. Taking my hand she grabbed my sleep over bag and left. 

"What are you smiling about?" Caden asks me.

"How do you know I'm smiling?" I ask back raising an eyebrow.

"I can feel your lips on my neck."

"Huh, nothing really  just thinking about my aunt."

Yawning, "Yeah, I can't wait to meet her."

Untangling myself from around him, "I can't wait for you to meet her either she's amazing." 

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