Chapter Twelve

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The stand off between the two of them was more than awkward. Closing the door I ask the question everyone seems to be avoiding, "What's going on?"

"Umm" panicking Maria looked quickly between me and a very agitated Caden, " I think you should sit down."

Dread starts to pull into my stomach making me want to vomit. Instantly I thought they hooked up at some party. Though the tinge of pain came and went I tell myself to breath through it. It was only a matter of time before he got with one of my friends. "Caden what's going on? I cautiously ask face void of any emotion. When I get no answer from him I ask again accept this time I puncture each word with my finger thumping his hard chest. Grabbing my hand mid air when I was about to stick yet again. The hold wasn't rough he didn't hurt me just restrained me from poking him. "You need to calm down." he states narrowing those dark eyes at me. Slowly and carefully he uses the hand he still has a grip on pulling me towards the couch.

 "Did you two have sex?" I muster out emotionless as possible.

"What no!" Maria shouts. "Why would you think that?" I didn't have to answer though we both new the answer to that question. 

Looking at me intently he cocks his head sideways. After what feels like forever he calmly says, "I might have not be able to help with our assignment."  

Eyes widening at the news, "What? Why?" Nothing was making any sense. When he wouldn't look at me I stare at him and notice that his left hand was bandaged. When I saw him earlier both hands were fine. What happened all but four maybe even five hours ago? 

"What's going on? Rubbing my temples I try and ward off an approaching headache. 

Maria answers me, "He umm he" looking nervously at Caden who still kept his face averted from my own, "From what I was told he and Lorenzo got into it." She states getting straight to the point.

Hearing his name made me want to vomit. Hearing the snort of disgust from him I was at a loss. "What?" No wonder Maria called it a nine one one shit really just hit the fan. 

Sighing he looks at me and his eyes bore into mine, "The pussy challenged me so I did what I had to do." 

So many emotions were swirling around in me. Confusion was the only one that I tuned into the feelings he was making me feel was just all too much. Out of the corner of my eye I see Maria slink out of the room. Once she closes the door I hop up and look up at him, "Caden do not tell me that you went and got in to a fight." As much as I hate Lorenzo he was connected his grandfather had funded so much money into the school that any wrong he did was swept under the rug. "I wouldn't call it that but I had too." was his response.

"You HAD too?!?" Throwing my hands in the air, "Caden, he could get you expelled and possibly ruin your chances at whatever future you had planned."

"Fuck. Him." He spat back at me. Speechless at the venom that spewed out of his mouth I gawked at him. "Caden-"

"No fuck that you wanna know what he did?" opening my mouth to respond I was once again cut off, " He had the fucking audacity to come up to me and ask the most fucked up question I ever fucking heard." Balling up his good hand so hard the knuckles  start turning white, "The pussy asked me if I was using yo to get after Maria or Ginger?" Instantly my mouth went dry and it became hard to swallow past the lump that formed. A dark chuckle came out, "He continued by saying how long did I think I had to pretend with you to get at one of them. Saying it shouldn't be too long since you're so desperate for male attention and your friends are such whores you all would do anything for me." 

Sitting back down on the couch, "Where exactly did he say all of this." Looking at the ground I try and hide the tears pooling in my eyes. Not even wanting to imagine what others thought of me and my friends after his half true statement. Yes I had been desperate but my friends weren't whores.

Warily he states, "The gym in front of his weak ass frat and some other random people. "  Closing my eyes at the news of public embarrassment. I couldn't hold back the sob that escaped my lips and tears that swam in my eyes from coming out. The embarrassment, shame, and pain from that night came rushing back full force. I felt like that pathetic, foolish girl all over again. 

Rushing over he sat next to me as I cried in my hands not wanting him to see my pathetic face. Pulling me into his lap  despite my protests, holding me against his hard chest he rubs my back, and kisses the top of my head, "Aww sweetheart," he coos at me, "hey no crying especially not for that jack ass." A groan of embarrassment came out. I have never cried in front of anyone even at my parents funeral I waited until it was the middle of night to cry my heart out. Leaning back some to try and see me better I'm assuming he kisses my forehead and says, "The only one who should be crying is him. Which I'm more than positive he'll be doing once he wakes up and sees the recordings of how quickly he went down." chucking a bit at that, "his such a weak ass bitch even his jaw gave out after one punch." A cross between a laugh and a snort came out of my throat. Why is he disrespecting our names all over campus and towards Caden?

Quickly wiping my face with hands I try and get out of his embrace. But he was not trying to release me in any way. Giving up I look at his bandaged hand. "Thank you for what you did."

"You're welcome."

"But you shouldn't have done it. What if you get expelled?"

Scoffing at me, "No one talks about my friend like that I don't give a damn who he is and what the fuck he thinks he can do."

A shaky smile slowly forms on my lips at the thought that he fought to defend my honor, "I wonder if he knows you are a boxer?" After asking the question realization came in full force snapping my head towards his. "Your hands are registered", eyes widening, "Aren't you going to be in trouble with whatever boxing cooperation you're with?" I have seen movies where when a guy fights out of the ring he gets some sort of penalization or something. 

Chuckling brought me out of my head. "I am not that type of boxer?"

There are different types of boxers? "What type are you then?" I ask tentatively. 

"The underground type."

"Underground where exactly?" As soon as I asked the question he slides me off his lap and grabs my hand pulling me off the couch. Tilting my head up to face his my tear stained one with his stoic one, "You're about to find out." was his cryptic response grabbing my purse and putting my slide on my foot. After locking my door he grabs my hand and pulls me out of my world and into his.

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