The Order

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I woke up on the couch again, I was tied up now. I lifted my head and saw Remus, Harry, Ron, Fred, his twin brother, Sirius and another girl with brown fuzzy hair and brown eyes. I looked up at them angry, I tried to shift but nothing, it was like something was blocking me.

"The potion they injected you with won't let you shift for 24 hours, so don't try it" Sirius said smiling

"Well that gives me 23 hours to kick all your asses, starting with Weasley!" I spat as Fred raised his brow

They laughed, well the two ginger twins did. The ropes tightened as I clenched my muscles angry.

"YOU STUPID ASSHOLES!" I yelled out angry kicking and trying to brake out of the ropes

"Relax Syden, we want to explain why your here" Remus said

"Why?!" I spat

"Your in danger now, some people now that Sirius has a daughter. They don't know who exactly but there's something coming. An evil, before all of you where born we where apart of something called the order. We helped defeat you know who in the past but with that lost everyone at the price. Your father-"

"Accio my wand!" I yelled out as my wand came flying at my hands

With a flick of my wrist the ropes come off and I jumped up pointing my wand at Sirius.

"Put it down!" Harry said as he pointed the wand at me

"My father! Is a man that abandoned me and my mother. When she was pregnant of me he left!" I yelled at Sirius

"How could you be so cruel and evil!" Harry yelled

"But I wasn't BORN LIKE THIS! Him you fight for, lovely Harry. THE GODSON YOU BARLEY KNOW! But there was a time when you knew of me..AS YOUR DAUGHTER!" I yelled out as tears filled my eyes

"Syden please" Sirius said as I pointed my wand at him still

"A time before all the disappointments, the revaluations of betrayal! THERE WHERE MOMENTS WHEN ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS BE MY FATHER! But even then you despised me!" I cried out yelling as tears fell from my eyes

"I don't despise you syde-" I cut Sirius off as he looked guilty

"But I know why... BECAUSE I KILLED HER! Mum I killed my mother, that's why you hate me! YOU LEFT ME! You left me ALONE! YOU SENT ME AWAY! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" I yelled at him as I was now sobbing

"I...I did it but I'm sorry" he said as a tear fell down his cheek

"I WAS JUST A CHILD! 12 years! I waited for you, for years! 12 years! AND THE FIRST THING YOU DID WAS SEE HARRY! NOT TELL ME THAT YOUR SORRY! That you love me and don't hate me because I killed left me alone. You abandoned me...I was just a little baby" I cried out as I held the wand up to him

There was tension in the room as no one knew what to do or say. I held the wand up even as my vision was blurry from the tears.

"YOU WHERE SUPPOSED TO STAY! I was born before Harry and YOU STILL CHOSE HIM!" I yelled out as Sirius said nothing but tears filling his eyes and dropping

"I'm sorry Syden...I'm sorry I wasn't the best father, the father that you deserved. The father that would take you too the train stop or the father that would spoil you with everything you needed" Sirius said as I sobbed

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I missed everything, your first steps, words, spell, smile, laugh and your first broom stick riding. I will never be able to forgive myself for those things but I do not blame you for your mother's death. I'm sorry, Harry parents are gone and I need to be there for him-"

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