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I saw sobbing as I moved the platinum blonde hair out of his way. He was the one who taught me many things, to show me not every father isn't a coward. Narcissa sobbed as Draco held her crying.

"No! No! Lucius...PLEASE!" Narcissa yelled sobbing on her knees

"D-Dad" Draco said as his voice cracked in the shock of his father now gone

"Papa..I'm so sorr— why!? Why would you do this!" I said crying

Narcissa crawled to him and brought him into her arms as draco held me tightly. I held onto Draco's arms that wrapped around me. He cried on my shoulder as I felt numb to the pain, Mason and now Lucius. Both mentors and father figures, Lucius more than Mason because Mason was a brother towards me. Then I noticed something, Ivan wasn't around. I instantly got up and looked around.

"IVAN!" I yelled calling out for him

I went running into the woods further in. I could hear groaning and crying, I turned to see him in the floor with a sword slash in his stomach. I went down in my knees and pulled out my wand.

"H-Hey sy" he said weakly

"Ivan your gonna be alright! Oka-y just hold on!" I said holding my tears back

"I—I'm sorry..I n-never mean-t to h-hurt you...I-I just didn't w-want to lose my—best friend b-but I did" Ivan said as tears fell down the side of his face

"I forgive you only if you stay! P-Please! Everythi-ng is going to be okay" I said as I cried

"I-I think I c-could wait on that forgiveness t-then, y-you'll do great thinks Sy. I love you.n-no matter how annoying y-you are..." he said laughing as I laughed crying, his smile then faded

His hand dropped to the floor, no! I was healing him! It was working, I began to cry.

"NO! NO IVAN I SWEAR!...please" I cried

I could hear his heart beat slowing down, I heard someone apperate. I couldn't have cared right now, all I wanted was to make it all stop. It was Severus, he kneeled down and healed Ivan completely. Healed him as I looked at him with tears in my eyes.

"I ..I owed you a favor Syden. Thank you for the necklace...besides I couldn't...I couldn't only...real...god daughter suffer" Severus said as I grew confused with tears.

"What?" I asked confused

"Y-Your mother was...was my adopted sister. I was adopted from the brown family myself...but kept the snape name. I-I never had..a-anyone. She was...before your birth...she made me godfather and never told Sirius knowing he would object" Severus said not wanting to look into my eyes

"Y-You have her eyes" Severus said as he looked at me with tears in his eyes

This meant that Remus wasn't my godfather but Severus was. Lily was still my godmother, before I could respond Ivan took a deep breath waking up.

"You COMPLETE! ARSE! You would have rather died than except my apology" I said crying as I screamed at him

"You missed me didn't you" he said smirking, breathing heavily

I cried a smile as I hugged him tightly, he leaned up and then jumped to see Professor snape or Godfather snape. I was still confused as I pulled away from Ivan.

"Uh what's Professor grease doing here" Ivan said chuckling a bit

"You'll have detention once you go back to school Mr. Ambrose" Snape said raising a brow

"Ahh come on you know you love me" Ivan said as I could see Severus holding a smile back

I laughed to see Ivan was fine, I helped him up and walked back to everyone. I saw Oliver beating Harry in the ground while the order and all the death eaters argued. It was like everything broke lose, Moody yelling a the carrow siblings as Molly yelled at Bellatrix. It was hectic, I felt rage anger me. I gripped my wand and pointed it to the sky making lighting stike, shutting everyone up. Everyone but Oliver, he didn't stop beating Harry.

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