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I laid on the floor ones more as I felt alone, it's been months. I haven't even been able to know what day it is, I still have hope that they'll take me out of here. Everyday when I wake up I have proximately 5 minutes to touch the light but off sun light that shines through the cracks. It gives me warmth, I've read everything my father had written in the walls. I found the small rock he wrote in the walls with, I felt weak and empty. I stood up dragging my body and feet's as the chains scraped on the floor. I walked to the empty space on the wall.

"Harry James Potter, has brown blue eyes, round glasses, dark straight hair, is a Gryffindor and is a beautiful soul. Draco Lucius Malfoy, has silver grey eyes, platinum blonde hair, is a Slytherin and has a light like no other in his heart. Ronald Billius Weasley, has brown eyes, has ginger hair that hovers over his forehead sometimes, is a Gryffindor and smiles like no other person I've met. Hermione Jean Granger, brown eyes, brown puffy curly hair, is a Gryffindor and has the brains no other has in a life time. Syden Lilith Black, a disappointment, broken and will FOREVER BE ALONE!" I yelled writing on the wall every word I spoke

I laid there weak, broken, cold and alone. There where bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep, each time I shut my eyes I have a nightmare of my father dying in my arms. It's either him or Harry and Draco. I've given up on hope, it's been far too long. I've circled the tally marks my father had on the wall. In counting it's been 213 days. Which means it's been 6 months, 4 weeks, 2 days, 8 hours, 39 minutes and 59 seconds. I've been here that long and I'm already feeling alone and empty, I could only imagen how my father felt. I've tried to do it, I've tried to take myself out but it's like the chains around my wrist won't let anything hurt me, there charmed. I clenched my fist and punched the wall multiple times, each time I'd just end up with a bruised and bloody knuckle. My entire clothes where dirty with the dirt on the floor, my tanks tops front was hanging as it looked to be stretched out but it was just dirty. My blue jeans began to tear from the times I've dropped to my knees sobbing. I was only glad I had taken off my leather jacket before the death eaters took me away, it would have gotten destroyed. My chains and rings where taken away from me, I've never been angrier. I've gotten thinner, my cheek bones popping out much more than before, my collar bone showing, my rib cage being visible now as I looked weak. I drew stars on the wall so each time I'd glow my eyes I'd pretend they where real. I've tried braking out of these chains but nothing not even with my wolf and dog strength. I snapped my head towards my cells door when I began to hear the clicked and loud bangs from the doors locks unlocking. The door opened to reveal a dementor, I got up angry.

"STAY! AWAY FROM ME UNLES YOU WANT ME TO RIP YOU IN HALF!" I yelled standing up and walking back

The dementor flew straight towards me, I felt a bit of pain as it also felt like he was sucking my soul out of me, my visions blurred as I was no longer able to breath from my lungs. Then everything went black.


It's been 9 months without her, 9 and yet I haven't seen my princess face. God I miss my sister, I was supposed to protect her and nothing. I've been miserable without her, her laugh made my day. To see her smile and give me a look with sparks in her eyes. I drank my pain away as I also beat the living crap out of anyone who even dared speak her name. My knuckles have been bruised and in pain but I'd do that and much more for Syden. My father has been doing everting in his power to get her out, he's even agreed to work with Remus on it that's how much he cared to take Syden out of Azkaban. I've seen Potter around with his bloody golden trio laughing like there plenty to smile about. It shows me just how much he cares about her, I've been ignoring everyone and reading but I mainly cry myself to sleep just thinking she's alone in Azkaban. I could only imagen what's she's going through, I'd do anything for her to be free. All I want to do is hug my cousin—my sister, my princess. I miss her little girl laugh when I'd give her a chocolate frog and her calling me prince.

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