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And just like that she stopped, her breathing stopped as my heart broke. Love was always a weakness to me but never have I felt more alive nor happier. Her hand fell to the floor as the light left her beautifully mesmerizing brown eyes. Mason came running as everyone fought, he saved Draco..he kept his promise but she saved Draco. Like always she chose everyone but herself because she saw herself as a monster. Then I looked up to see the one man that has hurt the love of my life most, he fell to his knees crying to see the women I love gone but still holding my children healthy and alive.

"No! Not my daughter!" Sirius cried

Mason pulled her into his arms holding her tightly, he wasn't crying but I didn't understand why. I walked up to Sirius and pulled him from the collar.

"YOU! Did this to her! You left her and chose everyone but her! You chose Harry! Dumbledore! Lily! James! Everyone but your own DAUGHTER!" I yelled at him angry as I had her blood on my hands

Before Mason could respond I heard a gasp for air, I stopped. It was impossible, there was no way it was her. I turned back to see Mason cut the palm of his hand and put the blood on her chest. The white light faded away as she was now awake, Mason simply smiled at her.

"Thank you...I'll be with my d-Daisy" Mason said crying as he smiled

I let go of Sirius as a hard pain in my chest, She stood up and began to sob. This was the consequence, a life for a life. Mason began to fall back as his breath became heavier. I went running to him.

"MASON! No what—why!?" I yelled holding my tears back

"Y-You deserved y-your family brother...I-I promised t-to always protect with you, take care of you. M-make sure you found y-your Daisy...n-now it's my turn I return to mine" Mason said as he cried

I cried to hold my brother in my arms, he put his forehead to mine. Mason's always kept me sane, my only family. My brother that took the roll on being the next dark lord to make sure I never keep me safe like Syden kept Draco safe.

"No, hey Mason please m-my kids..t-they need to know about-"

"They w-will brother...I know Syden will t-tell th-em amazing stories o-on how uncle m-Mason kicked—there d-dads ass" he said laughing as I cried

"I love you brother...I'm sorry I've never said it b-before b-but I do..."

"I love you Mason!" I cried out

Then it left, I felt the hard weight of his body in my arms. How his eyes shut completely, how life left before my eyes and was never coming back to me. Mason already has a short life because he saved Sirius. That would only make him to live up to 25 years old, he was 19. Now he was gone but saved Syden, I turned back to see her sobbing to see the lost of my brother. Mason always protected and saved Syden, I let Mason go and held her. I pulled her into my chest as the side of her head rested in it, her sobs and crying traumatizing me. He was gone, he was really gone.

"No! No!" She cried as my heart broke

"S-Syden" Sirius said shaking in tears

Then her cries stopped, she crawled to Mason and sat on her knees. He pulled him in and held him tightly.

"T-Tell Daisy I said hello...M-Mason j-just remember I—Love you" she said crying as she stroked his cheek

She stood up still not facing Sirius, she was walking towards the battle with everyone else. My eyes widen to see Remus, The entire Weasley family, Tonks, Bellatrix, Greyback, All the Malfoy's, All the death eaters, everyone from the entire order was here and helping us kill Evolution. Syden stared then down with hate and anger but I could see the pain of losing Mason swallowing her whole. She began to cry, her hands trembling with anger. The sky began to darken as lighting built up in it, thunder striking. It was her power, this was that sharp pain that would make her magic go lose. Her entire power start running even if she didn't want it too. Everyone turned knowing what it was but Evolution. They all began to run, everyone but the ones who fought against us. Then she screamed a scream louder than any pain have ever been heard before, he hurt and anger in it echoed in my head as she fell to her knees. White and black lightning like magic striking out of her and hitting everyone in sight. They fell down as she entire body turned into nothing but dust. Dumbledore said she needed to let her mother's magic leave her and that's what it was doing but it was also killing everyone who ever fought in Evolution in process. The power looked like pollen now in the air with the lightest of magic with it, like a white light. Syden crying in the floor as everyone cheered and happy to see everyone had died, that justice was made but Mason was still dead.

"Mason no" she cried in the floor clenching her jaw

"It's beautiful" I heard Ginny said towards the light thats a in the air

It was coming directly from Syden, she was sobbing on the floor. I didn't know how to do this..I couldn't even wrap my own head around the fact my only family was dead...I was the last one. Syden got up to see Sirius.


I got up to see him, I didn't see nothing other than a man who has hurt me. I didn't see a father, I saw a coward. I felt anger, my best friend, my mentor , my brother and father figure was gone! Mason was dead and he did it just to save Him! I got up and slapped him.

"HOW COULD YOU!? YOU COWARD! I ONCE CALLED YOY MY FATHER BUT YOU ARE NOTHING BUT AN ABOMINATION! A father is too much of a name for you!...MY BEST FRIEND IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" I yelled shoving him back as angry tears fell down my face

Oliver grabbed my hands and pulled me towards him, my back to his chest as I trembled from the anger. Sirius opened his mouth but no words escaped it, he was crying as everyone stayed silent.

"You! You've ruined my entire fucking life, everything that has ever happened to me was because of you. This time it won't be you not choosing me, it'll be me not choosing you! Go to Harry! The perfect son you wished you had!" I yelled to him as I paced back to Mason's body

I went down on my knees as I held his hand crying, my heart ached as sobs escaped my mouth. My breath hitched as I took deep ones to try to breath but there was a sharp pain and a lump in my throat each time I tried to breath.

"I'm so sorry Mason....I'll take care of them" I said crying

"Syden" I heard a low voice trembling

I turned to see Oliver his face had no emotion and it was like it was in shock. He was pale, his eyes connected with mine.

"I—I don't know how to—I can't be alone...please help" he said then completely broke down

I got up and ran to him wrapping my arms around his head, holding his tightly as he cried. I held his head to my chest as he cried holding my arms. Everyone then circled around us, Draco crying looking down to see Mason gone. Molly holding Arthur with tears in her eyes, Tonks looking down with sadness as Remus held her. Narcissa crying holding her mouth close as Bellatrix and Lucius stood by her side looking down. Luna then lifted her wand up to the air as the tip of it lit into a white light. Ginny, Pansy, Blaise, Draco, Theo, Fred, George, Neville, Dean, Seamus and everyone else doing the same. Mason was never a villain he was a hero in disguise...he was a savior with a cause.

"Thank you Mason...your free now" Draco said as he placed Masons wand on his chest

Alondra holding onto Draco as she cried, Draco just looking down. Blaise and Luna holding hands, Pansy crying as Theo held her in his arms. Camille holding Fred's hand. Neville hugging Hannah, Dean and Seamus holding hands. George and Susan holding each other, Ron holding Hermione as she cried. Harry sniffing as Ginny laid her head on his shoulder. Cedric with his head down as Cho had her arm wrapped around his. We heard cracking from branches, then saw a man stand.


He yelled as the green beaming light came my way, my eyes widen as I pushed Oliver out the way. I shut my eyes tightly, Mason died for nothing.


I heard as I heard a body collapse on the floor, my heart dropped to see the platinum blonde hair on the floor. My eyes widen with shock as tears filled it, I brought his body close to mine as I began to sob. Please not him too, not him.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Bellatrix yelled as her voice cracked

The man fell to the floor, Narcissa began to sob as she fell to the floor. He was her everything, she loved him more than her life.

Next Chapter!

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