Yule Ball

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Five months Later

I spent five months of my life being tortured and learning how to fight. It's been a living hell but I had to stay strong, for Harry and Draco but most importantly my father. Today Mason and Oliver where sending me back to Hogwarts. They had a bit of problems with the fact that I left with them but then the ministry found out there name and backed off. I've got scars now, more mental than physically though.

"Ready?" Oliver came in my room

"Yes" i said numbly

"Come on let's go" Mason said as we got out things

We Apperated to Hogwarts, now we where standing in an empty hall. I nodded to Oliver as he was going to take our things to the common room along with Mason. I began to walk the halls when I was Harry, Ron and Hermione all walking together. I hid, this has been the first time sense I've seen him. He looked happy, so did Ron and Hermione. It was nice to see them but then that's when Draco showed up with Crabbe and Goyal, Harry's face went serious.

"Look if it isn't saint Potter!" Draco spat

"Piss off Malfoy" Ron spat

"Now now boys hasn't anyone taught you to play nice" I said coming out from hiding

Everyone's eyes widen, Harry stepped forward slowly unsure if it was really me. I gave him a weak smile, it was like my body became jelly all of a sudden. It was weak, my legs gave out on me and I collapsed to the floor. Everything was spinning, All I could see in a blur was Draco and Harry hovering over me. Then everything went black.

I felt a splitting headache, my chest hurt a bit, the room was still spinning.

"It's okay Syden" Draco's voice said softly

"Draco...I-I don't feel..good" I said breathing heavily

"I'll be back with Madam Pumfrey!" Draco ran off

"You fainted, you where very dehydrated and I think it was shock that made you faint" I turned to see Mason

"Here dear drink this" madam pumfrey's voice said as she gave me something in a vial

"What is that!?" Mason asked guarding like

"It will help with the dizziness, dehydration, and the headache. You must rest now, I'll keep her here for a day then we'll see how she's doing. Excuse me" Madam Pumfrey said walking away

"Thanks" I said weakly

"Draco...my darling cousin, more like a brother" I said laying down as I stroked his cheek

"I'm here, your gonna be alright now that your back. I'll take care of you" Draco said determined

"Thanks for being here" I said as I stroked his cheek still

"You need to leave, your the reason she's here Riddle! I'm not afraid of you anymore nor your pathetic excuse of a father because I don't know if you noticed but he's dead!" Draco spat at Mason


"You touch him and your dead!" I jumped up sitting

"Your lucky she's recovering other wise I would have killed you" Mason whispered to Draco and paced off

"I'm so sorry..because of me your going to be in grave danger!" I said as I pulled Draco in and cupped his cheeks

I began to cry as I cupped his cheeks and put my forehead against his. I shut my eyes as I cried holding Draco, he was my family and I couldn't afford to lose anymore of that.

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