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I stopped and pushed Harry down, letting him go from the collar. I turned to see the three of them, Fred, George, and the man I once called father. He stared at me and realized it was me who was beating Harry. Pansy was pulled off my Blaise as Ginny wiped her bloody mouth. I stared down the man I once called father, the man that over and over again chose a son that wasn't his. My eyes glowing brighter than before, my claws from my animagus. Sirius was only dog but I however was a dog and wolf. Wolf came from my mother.

"Syden I can not glow my eyes nor take claws out but I won't allow you to hurt your friends" Sirius said

"MY FRIENDS!? No you mean your precious Harry, Saint Fucking Potter! Your A Piece of Shit! Sirius I went to Azkaban for you because I killed a man the supposedly killed you! AT THE END I suffered the same sentence like you! The worst part was that I was in the same cell, I saw how you blamed yourself for Lily and James death. How you wanted more than anything to be with Remus and stay by his side. Even how you left Harry without parents, you blamed yourself even though you knew you didn't kill them...but never once did I see my mother's name...OR MY NAME!" I yelled and scratched Sirius in the face with my claws

Sirius went down groaning as his chest bleed, Harry tired to stop me but I just ended up kicking him. Fred and George coming towards me until I pulled out my wand.

"STAY OUT OF THIS! You—You left me, you abandoned me. Over and over you leave like nothing! Don't you understand I'M YOUR DAUGHTER! I HAVE YOUR BLOOD! Not Harry! Not James! Not Lily! Not Remus! I DO! A daughter shouldn't have to beg her father for a relationship!" I yelled angry, I wasn't going to cry.

I held my wand pointing it at Sirius was he breathed heavily. He was down on the floor, I knew Draco nor any of my friends would let anyone touch me.

"You! You out of all people, the one who was supposed to protection me the most but all you did was give me the most amount of pain! You don't get it! You left this void in me that can't ever be filled because I don't have a dad anymore, it was getting better! I WAS GETTING BETTER! Until You let Lucius take that hit for me and save me! HE WAS MY DAD AND YOU LET HIM DIE!" I yelled angry as I shot a hex at bim

He blocked it taking out his wand, he began to drag himself back.

"I WISH IT WAS YOU WHO DIED! I regret ever dropping one tear for you! For ever loving you and giving you a second chance" I yelled angry

"Leave him alone it's not his fault!" Harry yelled

I turned to him, I've had it with him. I shifted, all there eyes widen to see a wolf like dog now standing in front of them. As I growled angry showing my fangs.

"bloody hell Harry RUN!" Ron yelled scared

The Slytherins moved out is my way as I chased after Harry. Hermione and Ron running along side with him. Then I stopped when someone shield them, I growled but knew I could never hurt Remus. Remus was there and just like the others, he chose Harry. My eyes filled with water even as I was still in my wolf form.

"Stay away from her!" I heard someone

I turned to see Severus, he was angry and stood in front of me. Remus lowered his guard and Harry stared at Severus angry.

"You'll have detention Potter, for a month." Severus said seriously

"What!? She was the one who hit me first!" Harry yelled

"All I saw was you fighting Syden back, she was simply defending herself." Severus said in disgust of Harry

"Severus this is not how you educate-"

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