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I woke up realizing I didn't wake up screaming, I turned to see Oliver sound asleep. I leaned up carefully trying not to wake him, I felt my core sore as I leaned up. I grabbed my wand and used a healing spell along with a spell to make my legs stop trembling and grow the strength to let me stand. I stood up and walked to the bathroom quietly. I turned on the water as I put a silencing spell in the bathroom not to wake Oliver. I showered and then came out brushing my hair and teeth. I walked out to see Oliver gone, I put shorts and a knitted jumper than Mrs. Weasley made me. I put my hair up in a put as the to stands from the side of my face fell. I walked down the stairs to see it was empty, I began to worry a bit.

"Hey" I turned to see Draco

"Hey prince have you seen Oliver?" I asked

"I think I saw him leave out the door, why-"

Before he could continue I walked away towards the door and opened it. I saw Oliver smoking a cigarette, I didn't understand why he looked upset. I walked towards him slowly but he didn't turn to even acknowledge me.

"Oli are you okay?" I asked softly

"Oli? What kind of pathetic nick name is that" he spat annoyed still not looking at me

"Sorry, what's wrong?" I asked confused

"Nothing. just go back inside will you." He said in a harsh tone

"No! Not until you tell me what's wrong" I said crossing my arms

"For SALAZAR SAKES SYDEN just do what your fucking told FOR ONCE!" He yelled at me making me jump a bit

I blinked rapidly then turned down swallowing thickly, I walked away and closed the door as I walked in. I began to walk slowly thinking what I did wrong.

"Dear don't forget tomorrow is your first day back at Hogwarts, I know you've been doing everything from home but Lucius and I think it's best if you and Draco go back to school. I've gotten you all the supplies you need and I've got another surprise" Narcissa said pulling me along with her

She walked me to the counter to she a small white sheet above something, covering something. She lifted it up to reveal an all white owl with big Blue eyes. I smiled and she turned to me smiling.

"I figured sense you didn't have one I'd get one for you. Now you can name him anything you'd like dear" narcissa said smiling

"Well how about...PADFOOT!" I said loudly smiling

"It's lovely my dear now dinner will be ready in 15 minutes so be down by then. Your Papa won't be able to join us today because of work but will be there tomorrow when we drop you off at the train" Narcissa said referring to Lucius

I decided that it was best to call him papa sense i couldn't call him dad or father. It felt appropriate yet respectful, they've been great adoptive parents and I love them. I grabbed Padfoot's cage and and took him upstairs with me, I opened my door to see Draco  sitting on my bed. I've never been more relieved to have changed my sheets before I left.

"New owl huh?" He asked smiling

"Yeah, he's adorable" I said smiling faintly

I set him down on my desk as I closed unlocked his cage letting him be able to fly around if he wanted to. Draco stood up and gave me a skeptical look for some reason.

"What's wrong?" He asked raising a brow

"Nothing, I swear" I said

"I don't believe you, I know my sister very well and when she's not smiling over the fact that she got her very first pet something is most definitely wrong." He said seriously

"I'm fine, I swear" I said smiling

"Is it about Oliver?" He asked

I swallowed thickly and then looked away not being able to make eye contact with Draco.

"No" I said looking away

"Liar! What did he do!? Did he hurt!?" Draco asked angry

"No! It's just—well I don't think you want to know" I said

"What do you mean?" Draco asked confused

I gave him a look as I raise my eyebrows he looks at me confused still then it was like a light bulb went off in his face. He jumps off the bed with a face full a disgust.

"That's so gross! Having to hear my little sister was shagging A guy in her room! While I SIT on her bed! Ugh!" Draco said disgusted

"Told you" I said crossing my arms with a smile

"Okay besides that what happened?" He asked sitting back down on a chair

"Well we fell asleep then I woke up, I got out of bed quietly trying not to wake him then went to shower. I even put a silencing spell on the door to make sure he didn't wake up" I said confused as I stood up

"I don't get it! I didn't do anything wrong, at the Yule ball I wanted to dance with him and I was about to kiss him until he pulled away! He was the first guy I slept with, sorry, he's told me so many things on the Astronomy Tower when he was drunk! I waited to see HIM AGAIN! WHEN I WAS IN AZKABAN I THOUGHT OF HIM! BECAUSE THAT WHAT WAS GIVING ME STRENGTH! It's not fair!" I yelled frustrated

I took a deep breath and clenched my fist, I turned to the mirror. I didn't like what I saw, I saw a girl who was falling and hard. Love only makes you weak, they either end up leaving or dying on me. Then I thought of Draco and how much I loved him, Draco would never leave me nor would I ever let him die. I walked towards him and hugged him taking him by surprise.

"What's this for?" He asked confused

"For being the best older brother anyone could ask for..even if you are sometimes an ass" I said laughing as I held him

"Well your my princess so I kinda have to be your night and shining armor" Draco said laughing

We walked down to the dinner table together to see Narcissa and then I turn seeing Auntie Bellatrix. I hurried down the stairs and jumped into her arms smiling as I hugged her.

"YOU MISSED auntie Bella!" She said laughing

"I like to see my little wolf health, I've been messing with mudbloods left and right!" Bellatrix said smiling laughing

We walked into the dinner table and all sat down, auntie Bella was talking how see put a muggle man into a trash can then made him go skinny dipping thinking the water was warm. It was somewhat funny but then I felt a bit bad for him, Mason joined us at the table. Everyone was talking, I felt Bellatrix out her hand in mine.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there Syden, although I may have not been close to Sirius he was my only friend in Azkaban. I've been known my entire life to me unstable but the thought of you losing you father...hurt me. I've never had sympathy for anyone but when I met you it was like I saw a mirror, you where the same little girl who was fighting" Bellatrix said softly

I've never seen this side of her, he's always been happy in a scary way or incredibly violent but with us she's a softy and protective. I enjoyed it. We all finished our dinner and Narcissa sent us up to get ready for bed, I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when I heard a knock at my bathroom door.

"Cumhin" I said as I brushed my mouth

"Hey Syden I just wanted to tell you that I won't be at Hogwarts a little longer, there's something I need to take care off. I know you'll be alright with Draco" Mason said leaning in the wall

I rinsed my mouth out and turned to him as I wiped my mouth. I nodded and walked towards him hugging him, he returned my hug and kissed my cheek then walked away. I walked out then laid on my bed, it was so weird and there was guilt in me for this but I kept seeing George in my head. Especially that image I had of when I opened the door to the bathroom to only see him in a towel. I blinked my eyes rapidly not wanting to think of it anymore.


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