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After a few more minutes of riding in the Thestral and broom sticks we arrived to the safe place. We called it head quarters 2.0, we got off the Thestral's and walked into the somewhat cave like spot.

"Dad! It's me!" I called out

"No, the code is...PADFOOT" Harry said out loud

That's when everyone began to come out of no where in a white light like form. It was Tonks, Remus, Sirius, Mad eye Moody, Bill Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley,Kingsley Shacklebolt and Fleur Delacour who was with Bill. I stared at them all, this was mainly the entire original Order members. Only ones missing was Lily, James and other who we lost in the first battle. I smiled and ran to Remus. He smiled back and caught me in his arms hugging me back lifting me up a bit.

"Oh my dear! I'm so glad your okay!" He said worried

"I'm fine godfather, we all are except Fred he was injured by a death eater" I said turning to him

It was George and Ron who held him up, molly quickly covered her mouth worried. She paced towards Fred and told the boys to set him down on the sofa.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't save him Mrs. Weasley" I said looking down ashamed

"Are You kidding!?" George said

"Yeah, mum you should have seen her she was like a bloody Ninja that we watched on our muggle tv. She was bloody brilliant!" Ron said smiling

"Honestly godfather, she saved Fred life. He was about to fall off of his broom and if it wasn't for Syden making me shift to the side he would have fallen. Then when she caught Fred she dodged a spell coming straight at her!" Harry said proudly

"THEN! She jumped off of the Thestral onto another one that Luna was on!" Neville said amazed

"After SHE took out all the death eaters! She did the fumos spell then stunned them! If it wasn't for that we wouldn't have never lost them!" Ginny said smiling

I blushed but I was next to molly the entire time as she healed Fred, I stroked his ginger hair as he rested his eyes. I can't believe he got hurt, I felt bad but I didn't know what my heart was telling me. That kiss was...something I've always felt it was my feelings. Then I saw a smirk appeared on Fred's face even as he had his eyes closed. Molly had finished she was just bandaging his leg now.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked laughingly

"I knew you liked me as much as I liked you" Fred said opening his eyes

I couldn't look into his eyes, I stoped stroking his hair and for up. I walked away and was standing in front of Harry and the rest of the order.

"You did that?" Sirius asked softly

"Yes I did Mr. black" I said bluntly

"Come with Me" Sirius said walking away slowly telling me to follow

Harry gave me a pat on the back, I walked behind Sirius. We where now in the center of the safe spot but sunlight shined from the top of the roof. It was like someone had put a hole on purpose, it was quite beautiful to se the sunlight entering the cave.

"I've never been a good father. I've never had a family that's been supportive nor nice. My brother Regulus Black was my entire life then he became a death eater. I haven't heard from him sense, I never grew up in a happy home so I didn't know how to. My father traumatized me in ways no one could imagen, when I found out your mother was pregnant with you I was in fear. But not because she was pregnant..because I didn't want to be the father I had. I didn't want to disappoint my only child, so I did what I did I talked to Lily and she gave me enough courage to make me go talk to Raven. Your mother was beautiful like no other, I told her about Lily and Remus being your godparents and she immediately agreed. She had to leave..her friends behind because of what they believed. Your mother then was getting sick, I knew she would die. We talked...she wanted to make sure you lived no matter what because you where the only thing she loved most in this entire world. When you were born your mother died, I was devastated but...I held you in my arms as I cried. I held you and I knew I had to protect you, protecting you meant I didn't nor couldn't be around to hurt you. So I made Lily and Remus your godparents then handed you to the one women that made nothing but amazing, smart and brave women. Your grandmother" Sirius said softly as his voice cracked

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