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It's been a week sense everything's happened, I haven't stepped a foot outside of Masons room. The only reason why I ate was for the babies, I've been crying nonstop. I go to sleep crying and wake up crying from nightmares. I haven't done nothing, I still had blood all over myself. Mason was already hurt when he saved Draco..then he saved me. His blood on my had as I slept with bis jumper..the jumper thar let me fed his warmth and smell like he was still here. Everyone went back to Hogwarts, I stayed...I couldn't go back now.

"Syden! Hey, your alright?" Mason asked

"Yeah! Wait-Mason your bleeding! OH MY—Mason your stabbed!" I yelled as tears fell down my eyes

Mason fell to the floor crying, I leaned down putting pressure on his wound.

"It's y-your f-ault, yo-u did t-this to me...why Syden" he said crying

The his blood on my hands began to spread up my arms, I yelled in panic to hear Masons screams echoing in my head. Yelling and yelling me it's my fault.

"NO!" I yelled jumping up as sweat was all over my face

My shirt still having Ivan's and Mason blood on it as I remember everything. These nightmares where only getting worse. The only reason I've eaten was for the babies..if not I'd let myself starve. I'd deserve it all, Mason dead and so is Lucius because they BOTH saved me. How could I be so stupid and reckless. I've been digging my nails into my palms because of how much I clench my fist. I jumped to hear the door being knocked, no one was here. My heart being to pound with fear, my head started to spin. My breath getting heavier, my entire body froze with fear as I pulled my knees into my chest wrapping my arms around them. The door began to creak open as I became pale with fear and terror.

"Syden" I heard his voice for the first time in a week

I looked up to see Oliver as tears of fear filled my eyes, my body trembling, my pale face as I looked to be frozen with shock. He walked towards me slowly with caution, trying to assure me it was him.

"Why haven't you left" he asked me without any emotion

"I-It's my home now, M-Masons room is comforting" I said trembling as I looked down

"Why haven't you changed, you still have blood all over you Syden. Have you not taken care of Yourself!? Or the babies!?" He asked in a harsh tone raising his voice

I jumped just to hear him raise his voice at me, I was weak and fragile. Anything could set me off and make me be afraid for my life. He realized it and hurt was in his face, I couldn't help it. I wasn't afraid of Oliver, I was just afraid. Mason to me has always been untouchable, he's been the best fighter and wizard I've ever met and yet he's dead. Lucius was one of the strongest death eaters and most loyal one ever, a curse then wiped him out of existence.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice" Oliver said lowly

I didn't respond, I haven't been able to speak a word other than sobs. My entire self shut down, feel numb, thinking about it only made my eyes water and heart ache. My fingers always trembling, my leg jumping up and down as I used the sole of my foot to move it rapidly. The painful feeling in my throat as I cried coming back to me each time. How my eyes and nose would get red from all the crying and sniffing. There was a dark silence in the room, then I heard footsteps.

"Olive Can you hurry-"

Daphne stopped talking, that's why he thought I wasn't here. I turned to him and he looked down with guilt. It was like my entire life was sucked out of me, I didn't say anything. He was here with her, he went to her! Her came to her! While I've been here mourning HIS brother. I swallowed thickly and looked down. I grabbed my wand and pointed it at Oliver, I kicked him in the groin. He bent down in pain, I kicked him right in the face as he fell down. I grabbed my wand and levitate into the air. I moved my wand directly at Daphne, his body collapsed with hers as they both fell groaning in pain. I grabbed her from the hair as I dragged her down the stairs, she screamed and yelled in pain as I heard each thumb from her body hitting the steps. I pulled her out the house then Oliver came running down, I turned to him and used my werewolf strength. I began to choke him strongly, his strength was nothing compared to mine right now.

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