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I walked inside the house tired and exhausted, I was glad it was Hermione, Ron, Susan and George's turn to watch. I took a quick shower and wore a bra with underwear's both black lace. I walked out and saw Fred was gone, thank Salazar. I forgot he was sleeping with me but I guess he was somewhere else, I laid in bed and looked at the roof. My eye lids getting heavier and heavier.

"But daddy I don't know how to ride a broom" I said in my high pitch little girl voice

"Oh! Come on my dear, look I'll guide you" Sirius said holding me and putting me in the broom

I began to fly up wards a bit, I was scared.

"Daddy don't let go!" I said scared

"Never my dear" Sirius said smiling

Then I turned he wasn't holding me, I smiled. I was doing it but then I tried to stop. Nothing was working, a man showed up behind him. Barty, my eyes widen with fear.

"DADDY! BEHIND YOU!" I yelled crying


"AVADA KEDEVRA!" Barty yelled

"NO!! DAD!" I yelled realizing I wasn't a little girl anymore

"Let me go-" I stopped to see dementors take me away

I jumped up screaming as sweat was all over my body, it was just a nightmare. Tears in my eyes, I turned to the picture of Sirius and Raven. My parents, I grabbed it and began to cry as I held it in my arms.

"I-I'd die just to see you again" I said sobbing

My tears falling in the moving picture of my parents when they where younger. I hated dreaming of Sirius or my mum only because when I woke up it was all fake, I never actually got to hold them or kiss them.

"Syden? What's wrong?"

I looked up to see Oliver, I wiped my tears and put the picture back in my night stand. I pulled the blanket over my shoulders as I laid down.

"Nothing" I said lowly

"I saw you Black, what's wrong?" He asked again firmly

I laid in bed not responding, I didn't want to argue with Oliver. I didn't have the strength, I couldn't. My heart ached so much already, I could feel my eyes getting watery just thinking about it. I sniffed and closed my eyes, then I felt my bed moving. I turned but then Oliver got on top of me pinning my wrist onto the mattress.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" He asked again with a harsh tone

"I'm in my bra and underwear OLIVER!" I said firmly but whispering

"Nothing I haven't seen before— remember I know every inch of your body like the palm of my hand" he said then leaned down whispering in my ear

Shivered went down my spine, I gulped. I had to resist, he didn't get to do this again. He leaned down and began to peck my neck, in my sensitive spot. I moaned lowly and I could feel him smirking.

"Let me go!" I said trying to snap out of it

Truth was I didn't want him to let me go, I wanted him to keep going.

"Do you really want me to stop" he whispered and I didn't respond

He began to nibble on my ear lobe sending shivers down my spine. His grip tightened around my wrist as I shut my eyes fluttering them.

"That's what I thought" he said in a cocky voice


He began to suck in my neck, I moved my legs but he was still on top of me, he was completely shirtless with black jeans. He looked so hot right now, I bit my bottom lip. He instantly saw and kissed my lips roughly, he bit my bottom lip.

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