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I've been doing research in my uncle like crazy, finding everything of him in every book they had in the library. I found out that his entire name was Regulus Arcturus Black, pure blood wizard. His elder brother Sirius Black and him where very close, he became a death eater at the age of 16 when Voldemort was barely going to try and rule the entire Wizarding world. Regulus left in hopes to never be found, the last he was seen was in London and that was almost 2 years ago. Once Draco had stopped screaming at me last week for leaving my room and not waiting for him so I could eat I grabbed all the book I could get at the library studying all day about Death Eater Marks.

"It's not fucking use!" I slammed my book shut

I was in the great hall, I placed my hands on my face frustrated. I turned to look up and see Oliver with another girl l, she's a hufflepuff. Dumb bitch, I looked away angry then came in Fred. Gryffindor girls staring at him because he was 1 year older than them. He's one year older than me to and they don't see me eyeing him like a fucking cake. I then realized I was jealous, I jumped up and shoved all my books into my book bag. I put the strap on my shoulder trying to leave the great hall.


I turned around to Ivan, I cleaned my fist and was so ready to give him another beating. He still had a purple eye and busted lip from the last one I gave him, he didn't tell Dumbledore nor any other Professor.

"What do you fucking want?!" I spat at him

"Okay before you beat the living crap out of me I need you to know I'm sorry, I had a reason-"

"What FUCKING REASON DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT TO ME!?" I yelled at his face

Everyone turned to look at us, I turned to look at them then walked off stomping my feet. I was in the halls still angry, I felt a hand grab my arm. Ivan needed to back off now I'm going to kick his ass. I punched Ivan as I turned around. Panic filled me to see it wasn't Ivan anymore it was Fred.

"Oh my! Fred!" I said holding my hands on my mouth

"Ah! It's, uh, fine" he said in pain

"Fred! Fred I am so sorry I thought you where..Ivan and so I kinda lost it" I said slowly

"Why what's he do to you?" Fred asked as he held his  cheek

"Uh, it's a long story" I said lowly

"I've got time, I mean unless you'd like to make it up to me for giving me a wicked punch" he said laughing

"Okay but let's go, uh, to the river!" I said smiling

Fred nodded and we began to walk to the river through the woods once we passed Hagrid's hut. It was a bit silent and awkward as I heard the branches snapping from us stepping on them.

"I'm sorry" Fred said

"What?" I asked confused

"I'm sorry I didn't—wasn't there, I should have been a bit more..easy on you sense your dad passed. You didn't deserve me acting like a jerk to you" Fred said lowly

"It's okay, I don't really care anymore. I've learned to live with it" I said as we reached the river

I took a deep breath and smiled as I saw the river and how the sun reflected off of it. The air was fresh as we sat down on a log. Fred turned to me waiting for me to speak

"Well my entire life Ivan was my best friend, he came from ilvermorny. In my first year these kids where picking on me for being Sirius's daughter, even saw my father as the reason why Lily and James where dead. That's when Ivan came around-"

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