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It's been a week sense I've been out of Azkaban turns out I was inside of that hole for 9 months. I've been waking up screaming and Oliver always ended up holding me in his arms as I cry myself to sleep. He's been making sure I've been okay for days, that I've been eating, feeling better, he even made me laugh. Oliver's more okay with showing me a bit of emotions even if it's a little. Mason and Oliver talk a lot but each time I try to listen in nothing, Draco has been obsessed with trying to convince his parents to let us have a room together with a bunk bed. He's been excited sense he's heard I'm officially his sister, I still have to adjust to it. I got dressed and put on a black lace bra and underwear, I wore black high knee high heel boots with a black dress that reached the upper part of my thighs. It had a a u shape collar and shower my upper breast a bit, I've never really wore dresses but Narcissa said I looked amazing in them and bought me more than I could count. I had a black coat that was the same length of my dress so I just put it on my shoulders. Today was the one day that I've been dreading for months, I had to say goodbye. I opened the door and just like today's mood it's been raining and they sky was grey. I've been much better, I could see my body growing back to its normal size. My curves starting to come back but I've still me the same mentally. I walked towards the top of the stairs, I began to walk down to see Oliver and Draco waiting for me with all black suits. Narcissa holding onto Draco's arm wearing a skirt and jumper thank was all black and expensive as she had a pearl necklace on. I reached the bottom of the stairs and Oliver walked over to me. His eyes looking into mine, he had a light scar on the middle of his nose. He always looked quite handsome no matter what. Bellatrix was gone for the day and Lucius was working with the ministry. We all gathered together and opened the umbrellas, we where now standing in a cemetery. Tomb stones all around, the rain hit the umbrellas as Oliver held ours over us. Our arms linked as Draco narcissa did the same. We walked towards his grave, they knew where but I had no idea where. Then I made eye contact with it.

"Sirius Black
Born- November 3, 1959
Died- June 18, 1996
Loving father, friend, and godfather"

I read out I looked away, I didn't want to come to the realization that he was gone and there was no getting him back no matter how much I wished upon the stars. I walked forward as I left under the umbrella and unlinked Oliver's and mines arms. I kneeled down as tears left my eyes.

"I'm sorry father, I-I never got to say goodbye. I'm so sorry I was so selfish and never thought of the years y-you spent in Azkaban. Alone, Isolated, and in the dark, how the cold stone floor makes you stay up. How the wall of the—the cell make it darker than ever. I read everything you w-wrote down, I'm sure by now Lily and James explained that it wasn't your fault. I-I reach what you put for yourself...and you where hears what I put." I said crying as o covered my mouth

I took deep breaths and began to control myself.

"Sirius Black, dark curly hair, brown eyes, a Gryffindor. He is the most loyal, courageous, strong and intelligent friend you'll ever have but when he's your family..he's your anchor. I need you to take c-care of mum for m-me dad, I'll be just fine— you go-go on now, have the peace you deserve. I'll be okay. I found the rock and you helped me stay strong, the dementors made me see and hear horrible things but I knew it wasn't you, y-you loved me too much. Find peace father, hold it close. Next to mum..I'll meet you both eventually—just b-be happy. G-Goodbye—" I said as I began to sob

I placed the red rose on his grave as I kissed it, I began to cry on my knees as I was still standing on my feet. I then realized that none of the rain had hit me at all, u looked up to see the umbrella being held above me. I turned to see Oliver holding is as he was soaking wet. I leaned up and held him tightly.

"You'll get wet" he said softly

I let go and pulled him next to me, he kneeled down with me as he stared at my face. I looked at my fathers grave stone and smiled as tears fell from my eyes.

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