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I sat there confused, Ivan has always been viewed as a friend never much more. The only more there was is a best friend, now that I look at Ivan differently I see him handsome. He his eyes complement his light brown eyes, how his lips are nice and soft. His sharp jaw line, his dark brown hair going perfectly with his eyebrows. His toned body and his charming attitude that no one else had.

"I-I..only on two conditions" I whispered as he leaned back a bit

"Go on" he said smiling

"One..we aren't dating okay, we're getting to know each other to maybe, one day become something more. Second..I don't want you to talk badly if Oliver to me, I already know what he is. Don't rub it in his face that where talking or that you could possibly, maybe, I don't know become a..step father to my kids" I said lowly

"Deal" Ivan said and leaned in kissing me with much more hunger

His hand went to my thigh as he began to lean me back gently onto the bed, his hand making it's way in between my legs. He began to kiss my neck as I moaned lowly to him sucking my sensitive spot.

"Hey Syden I—" Ivan jumped off of me to see Theo

Theo's eyes widen and then he turned around, before he could leave the room I hexed to door. He stopped and turned back at us, I got up and walked towards him.

"Theo listen to me, okay we just kissed nothing else has EVER happened before this! I promise on everything that I love that's true, Ivan and I somewhat...decided I should give him a chance" I said eagerly to Theo to believe me

"Dam it Syden! I owe Blaise ten sickles now" Theo said crossing his arms

"Your not mad?" Ivan asked confused

"What?! No, I mean Blaise said that it was only a matter of time before you too hooked up so we made a bet" Theo said laughing

"It's really none of my business and don't worry I'm no blabber" Theo said as he walked out

Theo left the room and Ivan come next to me, he kissed my cheek then stood in front of me. He grabbed both my hands and I looked into his eyes.

"I know you love him...and that's okay. I promise I will love you and show you that love is so much more than heart ache and pain. Just you wait" Ivan said kissing my lips then leaving

I didn't know if I would regret this but I didn't have a choice. if this meant I wouldn't love Oliver anymore I was willing to do it. At the end I needed to stay strong not for myself but for them. For my babies, they deserve the happiness I never got.

I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard pecking at my window, I walked towards it and opened it. I saw an owl holding a letter, I gave it money then a little snack. I saw it was from The Ministry Of Magic, I began to open the letter.

The Ministry of Magic

Dear Miss. Malfoy,

We are very honored to know someone as yourself has saved the entire Wizarding world, including ourselves from evil wizards and witches such as Evolution. We send our regards for Mr. Riddle and Mr. Lucius,  for this you will be honored by us on getting an award. You'll be granted twenty five million muggle dollars then you may do what you please with the reward. We would like for you to attend the ball we are hosting in Manor Ministry, where we will gift you the reward and award. Along with the award for you father Lucius Malfoy and mentor Mason Riddle.

With Regards,

The Ministry of Magic

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