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I woke up as I rubbed my eyes, I jumped up my bed excited but my excitement was as cut short when u looked in the mirror to see hickeys on my neck. I groaned frustrated, I tried to use a healing or covering spell but nothing nor did a charm work. I didn't understand why so I walked to my closet and pulled out a black dress that was fitted and was a turtleneck. It was just simply black and had sleeves, I put a silver necklace on with my ring and the one Draco gave me that matched his. I put on black shoes and looked in the mirror, I looked like Draco when he would wear a black turtleneck and a suits jacket with it. I laughed at the thought, the dress showed my curves and reached the middle of my thighs. I grabbed my black long coat and put it on my shoulders, my things where already down stairs. I grabbed padfoot's cage and walked out my room down the stairs.

"Look at how beautiful you look darling!" Narcissa said in awe of me

"Thank you mummsie" I said smiling

"Here place padfoot here that way you won't need to carry him" Narcissa said as I put him on our trunks

"Padfoot? That's on odd name dear" Lucius said confused

"Yeah I guess so" I said smiling

"Draco hurry up your taking longer than me!" I yelled up the stairs

"Alright! Alright! Salazar sakes your annoying" Draco said walking down the stairs

"Don't talk to your sister that way" Lucius said sharply

"He's only joking Lucius" Narcissa said

They always go back and forth, it's mainly because Lucius defends me and Narcissa Draco. It's quite funny to use because we always end up laughing. We all used an apperation key and where now standing in front of the train station for muggles. I could see Lucius hated being here but then gets over it. Draco began to put both our things on the trolleys, I tried to help but he turned and gave me a threatening look. I lifted my hands in surrender stepping back. We finally began to push our trolleys as Lucius and narcissa walked behind us.

"Now hurry in, come on" Narcissa said to the both of us

I went in first, I pulled back my trolley then went running into the wall shutting my eyes tightly. I opened them to see the train as I smiled, I began to push my trolly a bit further in. I looked ahead and saw the Weasley's along with Harry, I gulped nervously. That's until Draco was standing besides me with Narcissa and Lucius. We walked further towards the train, I tried to be discreet but they turned my way. I could only imagen what they thought, I tried not to make eye contact with George because of Fred. My head imagining when I saw his body, I widen my eyes annoyed of my own thoughts. Fred was standing right in front of me and I was thinking of HIS TWIN BROTHER!

"Come on dear let's not associate with the poor-...less fortunate others" Lucius said smiling fake at them. He placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked down to hear Harry curse under his breath.

"Speak up Potter! Hasn't anyone ever showed you manners- oh wait, they haven't" Draco said

I elbowed his stomach telling his to knock it off as he rolled his eyes at me. Molly just stared at me with sadness, I gave her a warm smile and she smiled back feeling happier. I turned to Narcissa as she nodded, I smiled and walked over to Molly. I hugged her and she instantly pulled me in almost tearing up.

"Oh my dear! I'm glad to see you all health and back up in your feet's! How have you been?" Molly said smiling at me as she pulled back

"I've been amazing thank you Mrs. Weasley, how has my godfather been?" I asked lowly

"He's been doing a little better now that we have a court day for your custody. I miss you very dearly" Molly said Smiling. I gave her a faint smile knowing she was the only one.

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