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I stood there confused but angry as Harry still hadn't told me what was going on. Narcissa and Bellatrix looked down sad, I didn't know what was happening.

"Harry JAMES POTTER WHAT HAPPENED!?" I yelled at him again

"Sirius! He saved me but he's—dying" Harry said crying

"No! NO!" I yelled shaking my head rapidly as I began to cry

I fell to my knees sobbing, not him. Please mum I still need him, I know I haven't been the best daughter but it's not fair. You promised that you'd watch over me, not dad. I let screams escape my mouth as I cried on the floor sobbing, Harry kneeled down and hugged me.

"NO! Harry please! No! Tell me he's going to be okay! HE CANNOT LEAVE ME!" I yelled sobbing

"I'm sorry Syden!" Harry said crying

Draco rushed to me and picked me up, he held me in his arms but my legs wanted to give out. What would I do without my father, I would be the last Black member and I wouldn't be able to pass the name down if I ever married someone.

"Take me to him! NOW!" I yelled crying

Harry grabbed my hand and Hermione along with Ron held into us. Then I saw two other hands join in, I couldn't catch who did. I was now standing in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. I saw my father laying on one of the beds, I went running to him then landed in my knees as I held his hands crying.

"My love, is that you?" Sirius said softly

"Yes dad it's me, I'm fine but you need to get better so—so we could be..that p-proper family we spoke of" I said crying

"I'm going to be just fine my love, I love you dear. Now don't forget to have fun tonight with Draco, he's      a good boy that one" my father said laughing

"Yeah he's pretty great" I said smiling as I cried

I turned to see the two hands where Fred and Draco, I turned back to my dad who was starring at me with love. I felt warmth in my heart as Sirius lifted his hand up to my cheek and stroked it gently.

"Your always be my daughter...you have a beautiful heart my love, don't you ever forget to share it with others because lots of those another are in the dark, alone and empty like I once was. Then I found my heart...you" Sirius said hugging me as I cried on his shoulder

"You are my courage, strength, bravery, love, but most importantly you are my heart...my daughter, my heir, my love...my heart" Sirius said hugging me as his voice cracked

"I love you dad...I'm sorry I wasn't the daughter you deserved nor the person that understood your decision...I saw her, in a dream" I said as my voice cracked

"Who my love?" My father said pulling back and grabbing my arms gently

"It was just a dream but..it felt so real, mum I saw her. She was beautiful, he had black raven hair, blue eyes with a light skin complexion, her face was beautiful....she called me her..sunset" I said softly

Sirius looked at me confused with a bit of shock, he took a deep breath and cupped my cheeks. He smiled at me warmly as a tear fell from his eyes.

"Your mother used to call you that before you where born...the reason was because we where on a small cliff and we could see the sunset setting, it was also the same day she told me she was pregnant. The sun shines bright than before and looked amazingly beautiful" Sirius said smiling with tears in his eyes

I stood there shocked, I began to cry. I couldn't lose both my parents, I couldn't even mourn my mother's death. I shook my head telling him I wasn't ready, I didn't want to say goodbye.

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