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It's okay, Draco's not here to save you. I began to walk onto one of the large rocks that was also in the water, I looked down at the water. The moon shining brightly and the light reflecting off the water. The beach was dark and it looked like the water was black from the darkness. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes, I guess I'd be meeting my parents and his old friends sooner. Then I let go as a tear dropped down my face...I'm sorry Oliver.


I got into the house and slammed the door shut, I ran to my room and again slammed the door. I began to yell out of anger, I punched the wall over and over again. How could she ever love me, I'm nothing but a worthless piece of trash that treats her like shit and I'm a monster. Got angry tears fall out my eyes, my mother always told me love made you week and..and she was right. I loved Syden to much where it was like a fucking drug, every inch of her body was addicting. I would do anything for her, for the women I love. I can't believe her out there like that but what really made me pissed was that she thought she needed me. She doesn't need me, no one will ever need me. She has to live without me..for her own good, I can't ever be with someone so pure...someone that had a heart of gold. Eyes that shine brighter than the sun, a smile that could turn the darkest of day bright, a light..the pulls you out of the dark. I walked back towards my window, I looked down but I couldn't see her. I felt a sudden sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. I went pacing down stairs, she wasn't here. I opened the door and walked out no bothering to close it. I looked around and there was no sight of her, the love of my life wasn't here, the light that made me stable was gone, the one person who I...wanted to live for was gone. I looked at the water then it was like someone had ripped out my heart, the heavy pain and hard punch to my guts hit as soon as I saw sight of Syden floating on the water. Tears falling down my face without me wanting them to fall, my feet faster than my head as I was still hurting to see the sight of my light dimming. I pulled her out as my clothes grew wet, her face pale as small pieces of sand where on it too. The light leaving her body as I felt a dark anger and pain coming to my chest like never before. I began to breath into her mouth and pump her chest, she can't leave me. She doesn't get to abandon me...I was always left alone for not being enough but she couldn't leave me. I wouldn't be able to handle that pain, I pulled her into my arms and broke. I sobbed holding her beautiful body close to mine, I've never been a good person but someone as pure as Syden never deserved all the darkness nor hurt she's always gotten. She had a cut on her cheek from the rock she must of hit, the blood on my cheek. She didn't get to leave me after loving me, I was cursed..everyone I loved always found a way to leave me. I held her body on my laps screaming with anger, not her please...I need her.

"Come o-on baby wake up" I said sobbing

I stroked and caressed her cheek as my tears fell onto it. He body entirely weak, I was screaming and sobbing at this point. I didn't stay...I didn't chose to stay with her. Her entire life everyone has left or betrayed her...all she wanted was for me to stay.

"P-please baby w-wake up and I'll do a-anything for y-you...I'll stay" I said sobbing

"Oliver? SYDEN!" Mason came sprinting towards me.

I was sobbing holding the love of my life in arms, Mason kneeled down in front of me. He began to pump her chest as I laid her down.

"What happened!?" Mason said yelling

"I-I....left" I said looking down at her body

Mason then took out a small knife from his pocket, I looked at him confused.

"What are you going to do to her!?" I asked with a firm tone

"There's something you should know about our blood Oliver. Our father was the most powerful wizard yes we know that but there was something our mother carried in her veins that was superior. That's what attracted father...mums blood has the ability to heal and sometimes even give life. The reason for this was because when she was you younger she cut herself with a stone. A stone to give life, that stone mixed with her blood and then she was able to do the unthinkable" Mason said cutting his palm

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