Weasley shack

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I got up and Fred helped me change, my belly had gotten much rounder and a bit bigger. It was noticeable not when I wore my shirt. I put on sweats and Fred walked with me. That made sure I was fine but I wanted to leave already. Being at st. Mungos gives me an unsettling feeling, I think Lucius. His fatherly love and how he cared for me. It was around eight and we left, I told Draco to go home and get rest but just like myself he's stubborn. He came back to the Weasley shack and was going to sleep in one of the guest rooms. We walked through the door and then-



I turned to see Pansy, Blaise, Bill, Fleur, Theo, Susan, Alondra, Crabbe, Goyal, Hermione, Cedric, Cho, Neville, Luna, Dean, Seamus, and Hannah. They all surprised me as confetti went up inside the air with balloons.

"Guys you did this?! For me!" I said smiling with happy tears

"Of course we did" Pansy stepped forward

She smiled and held my shoulders gently, then slapped me in the arm hard.

"OW!" I said rubbing my arm

"If you ever do that shit to me again I will personally kick you arse once I'm done reviving you! Now come here!" Pansy said smiling as she pulled me into a tight hug

I hugged everyone a hello and sat down, they there all drinking and smoking some of the muggle weed Neville grew behind Professor Sprouts back. Now I understand why Draco did want to go home, he sat with Alondra as they made me feel sick by having each other tongues down there throats. I got up and walked into the kitchen.

"Hello Syden"

I turned to see Neville smiling at me warmly, I smiled and turned back around. I looked out the bay window that was by the kitchen dinner table. I stared up at the moon and starts as Neville sat in front of me.

"I'm glad to see your alright, had me worried there for a bit" Neville said smiling faintly

"Thank you Nev, I'm just glad to be home...can I ask you something?" I asked him

I couldn't help but think of the dream I had of Mason. I felt something off or weird but I had to ask for Neville's advice.

"Yeah!" Neville said smiling

"Do you at all think that Fred and I are moving to fast?" I asked him

He looked down and thought for while as he made a faint smile to the side. He looked up at me and scooted closer to me.

"If I'm being well honest, I think you aren't but then you are" Neville said smiling faintly

"What?" I asked confused

"Well I don't think you are because I like to see you making your own life and now knowing that you don't deserve to be treated badly. Then you are because your so focused on doing what's next so fast that you don't enjoy the present, don't take my opinion though you already know how you feel but you don't want to except it" Neville said lowly as he put a hand in mine

I listen to every word Neville said and he was right. I felt like I was trying to hard and trying to move on so fast from Oliver that I didn't enjoy the moment to the fullest. I smiled at Neville and hugged him, I pulled back and he was blushing with a warm smile.

"Thank you Neville" I said lowly as I smiled

"Your my friend Syden, I know I could come to you when ever so I'm here to....Ivan told me to give this to you" Neville said as my smile dropped, he handed me a letter and walked away

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