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I woke up to hear dished and pots clicking, I turned to my side then opened my eyes to see Sirius watching me sleep with a smile on his face. I got scared and jumped up immediately falling face forward on the floor.

"Ow" I said lowly on the floor

Sirius came from behind me and helped me up as I rubbed my lips. He hugged me and I didn't know how to react, it felt warm nothing I felt like before. I found my arms moving by them self and wrapping around Sirius. I was hugging my dad for the first time, I felt water in my eyes but not tears falling.

"" I said as I held him

"I love you, when this is over I promise it'll be Harry and you with myself. It'll be us and we'll be a proper family dear" Sirius said as he pulled back

He kisses my forehead and walks away as I stood there comprehending what just happened. I blinked rapidly then shook my head and headed up stairs to get myself ready for the day. I walked up the stairs and opened the door to the bathroom to only see George in a towel wrapped around his hips, showing his abs and v line. My eyes widen as his hair was wet and dripping water. I slammed the door shut as I heard George chuckle. I swallowed thickly and walked into the room where I had my things. I grabbed clothes and a towel along with my toothbrush. I went back towards the bathroom and saw the door open, I let out a deep breath and walked inside quickly. I closed the door and locked it. All I could keep seeing was George in his towel with that body, I tried to erase that image from my head but nothing. I showered and got ready, my hair was naturally curly but not to much. I walked out changed and everything. I could hear everyone talking down stairs at the table, I walked down the stairs and entered the room to see everyone plus another ginger man I was guessing he was the Weasley's dad.

"Hello" I said walking in awkwardly

"Sit dear I've made breakfast" molly said hugging me then turning me towards the table

I sat down where I was in between Fred and George, I felt nervous already. Molly couldn't have chosen another seat, I front of me was Harry sitting next to Ron and ginny.

"Everyone meet Syden Sirius's daughter and my goddaughter" Remus said

I immediately starting choking on my orange juice to hear Remus say he was my godfather. I looked up at Remus who was smiling faintly, this was news to me. Everyone grew silent, the tension was so thick. I got up from the table, immediately so did Sirius. I began to walk away until he grabbed my arm gently pulling me.

"Let go!" I spat

I glowed my eyes as they flowed bright yellow, I got that from my mothers side now that she was also a Animagus. She would shift into a yellow eyed dog, it was much more of a wolf but that's what my grandmother told me. Sirius let me go to see my eyes glowing bright yellows

"Bloody brilliant is what that is" Ron whispered to Harry

Harry looked at me with caution, I yanked my arm from Sirius's hand. His eyes followed me with sadness as I left. I began to walk out again, this time I was running. Fast I felt angry, he hid this from me too and the worst part was that Remus didn't have an excuse for not being there. I was fully shifted, I didn't realize it but It happens when I don't have full control of my emotions. I turned to see a river near, there where trees many of them. It was a near by woods, it was peaceful just to see the water of the river. Nothing but silence, I should really not try to shift anymore because each time I'm naked. I haven't mastered shifting with clothes on but I concentrated and before I knew it my clothes where on me.

"I wonder what your like you know? Mum, I only have the picture grandma gave me but it's not enough...I wonder what your favorite color was or your favorite meal. It would have been nice..if I didn't kill you" I said as I skipped rocks at the river

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