Family Gathering

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It's been a week sense I've been with Fred, we've been searching for new house so we can move in together but we don't want to buy them right away. I put all the money the ministry gave me in my bank. Apparently Mason had opened one for me with Lucius and they both put money in it that I didn't even no about. I didn't touch it though, Lucius put half a million dollars in mine and the other half in Draco's. Mason put three million dollars in it, I'm sure that was all he had left and he left it to me. I didn't want to touch any of it only for the babies, Mason left it for the babies and I but it's for them.

Today we where going to have a family dinner together, I was going to tell Molly and Arthur I was pregnant. Then Draco, Narcissa, and Bellatrix will be there to top it all off. I knew the entire Weasley family was going to be there, Percy, Charlie, Bill and Fleur would join them. I was extremely nervous, Draco the others said they'd meet me there.

I wore a burgundy dress that was lose from the the bottom half was lose. I put on white shoes and my rings. Mason's always made me feel at home and so did my mums. I put my hair down and curled it a bit then walked down the steps. I was in bed for two days and I hated it. I walked down the steps to see Fred and George staring at me as they leaned towards each other.

"What?" I asked confused

"She's risen Freddie, you think she'll be mad?" George tried to whisper

"Only one way to find out" Fred said smiling a bit

I looked at them confused, I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"RAH!" I jumped and hit Ron in the face

Ron fell to the floor, he scared me and my natural reflex was to punch. Ron groaned on the floor as I gasped covering my mouth with both my hands.

"Oh my god Ron!" I said leaning down

"Bloody hell Syden!" Ron said groaning

Fred and George where dying of laughter, they couldn't stop laughing. Ginny saw everything but she was hiding, she fell to the floor laughing hard as her face turned bright red.


"MEET YOU AT MUMS!" Fred said running and grabbing floo powder

"THE WEASLEY BURROW!" He yelled panicking as I almost reached him

"George!" I turned to see fear take George's entire face

"It's WAS ALL FREDDIE I SWEAR!" He said panicking as he ran upstairs

"Get ready you git! We leave in five minutes" I yelled out laughing

"I'm ready!" George said running back down

"Come here Ron, look at you now your all bloody" I said wiping his bloody nose with a cloth

I used a cleaning spell and he was good as new, I walked over to the fire place and stood inside grabbing floo powder.

"The Weasley burrow" I said as I dropped the floo powder

Green flames emerged from underneath me and now I was standing inside the Weasley's burrow inside of there fireplace. I walked out to see Molly, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, Charlie, and Percy greeting Fred. They turn to see me and I smiled nervously.

"Oh! Syden dear! How good it is to see you" Molly said walking over to me as she hugged me tightly

"It's great to see you to Mrs. Weasley" I said hugging her back

"Come let me introduce you to Charlie" she said smiling

I walked over to see another ginger with a clean shave but sharp jawlines. His hair curled a bit from the top as it hovered over his forehead. He looked to be toned and in great shape, he flashed his pearly white teeth at me as I shook his hand.

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