Other Half

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It's been two weeks sense I've give birth. Neither Ivan or Oliver have answered my owls but I tried not to worry but it was hard. The babies aren't much trouble when Fred's working but he finally decided to take time off work for a bit while Ron and George work at the shop. I loved him and made sure he knew he didn't have to but he insisted and it wasn't like we needed the money either. Fred and I decided to elope and had a simple fast wedding, it was small and beautiful. Many pictures where taken and tears where shown. I was officially Syden Lilith Weasley and I couldn't be happier. Fred couldn't help keep his hands off me once I was fully healed. It was our honeymoon but at home. I felt a bit insecure my body didn't go back to normal right away but Fred made me feel beautiful no matter what. My abs where coming back but very faintly, Molly gave me a tea that healed all of my stretch marks I got from the babies and I looked somewhat back to normal.

"Love are you ready?" Fred asked as I put on my dress on

"Ready!" I said as I walked down

Fred wearing a suit but without his tie and jacket just the vest, white collared shirt, dress pants and shoes. Ginny wearing a fitted red dress, Hermione wearing a light pink dress that reached her thighs and was lose. Harry wearing a suit and Ron wearing a suit too in red.

Ginny was holding Lilith as George held Mason, Fred holding Tomas. I walked down wearing heals that weren't to tall and had a thick heel.

"You look marvelous" Fred said kissing my lips

"You look amazingly handsome too" I said laughing as I kissed him

We left and sat down on our seats. The ones graduating wearing there house color cap and gowns. Fred and everyone else all sitting on the seats ahead smiling. Sirius holding Mason as Narcissa held Tomas and Molly Lilith, Harry and Ron sitting next to Fred and George. Harry decided he didn't want to continue school so left.

"And now a speech from a student how has taught us many values and shown how to get back up." Professor Slughorn said

"Syden Malfoy Weasley" Slughorn said as everyone clapped for me

I went on stage nervous, I looked around and saw everyone from my house sitting there...everyone but Oliver. I cleared my throat and put a smile.

"Thank you, today I stand here because I realize that life is short and you must live it to your fullest. I didn't think I'd actually make it and be standing here, I though I'd die or eventually pass. My entire life I've had to live with horrible decisions I didn't make but others made for me. My life has been hectic, horrible, depressing, amazing, and beautiful all at one. I thought I'd forever be alone but now I stand up here with an entire family I could call my own, I have three beautiful babies, and I am married to the most amazing man I've ever met-" I said as everyone cheered Fred's name

"-so I stand here telling you that no matter what you can most definitely do it. You can't sit around waiting for you life to become what you want it to, you have to get up and chase the life you want. Thank you" I said smiling as everyone clapped and cheered

I walked down the steps then Severus handed me my ribbon and a Slytherin cap to keep. Everyone got the same them got back on the boat like when they first came the first year, we waved goodbye.

Hogwarts was what gave me my entire life, if I would have never came here I wouldn't have everything I have now. I got emotional and stared to cry once we reached the other side where all our family waited. They clapped and cheered, Fred walked to me.

"Your perfect darling, I'm so proud of you" Fred said kissing me as I kissed him back

"It's really over huh" I said turning back as I smiled

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