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We all looked down, Ron squinting his eyes at us. It looked like they had just gotten out of bed or something. Maybe we woke them, George then elbowed me in my ribs, I hit him back and Fred hit me. I couldn't win with them.

"Stop it" Ron said annoyed

The twins and I all exchanged looks m, we all went running up to Harry and Ron shoving each other so we could tell our sides of the story.


"But then she-"

"-because they-"

"-she came up here-"

"-they made me-"

"SHUT UP!" Harry said loudly

We all closed our mouths, Ron and Harry took a deep breath as I held in my laugh. It felt a bit awkward once I realized who I was staring at. Harry and I haven't talked about anything that's happened so far. There was an awkward silence in the room, Harry shifted to a stiff posture and so did everyone else.

"I should go, goodnight boys" I said turning to Fred and George.

I smiled faintly and began to walk away as I past between them. I grabbed my book bag and picked up a book that fell onto the floor. I put it in my book bag and walked towards the common room door.

"Harry!" Ron said

I ignored it and opened the door slowly, I guess there was a part of me that wanted to fix things with Harry. A part of me that wanted my dad to know I was going to protect the one person he fought for so hard to protect. Harry, I took another step out the door.

"Wait syden!" I stopped and turned to Harry

I closed the door and stepped in still by the door, Harry looked all around the room but my eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said lowly

I walked towards him and dropped my book bag. I cleared my throat for the words I was about to say, I knew I would cry but I didn't care at this point.

"Harry I'm not mad at you, I'm angry at my father. I'm angry because just like always he chose you, he saved you. Instead of thinking wow my daughter has always been alone and be never been there. I finally have a relationship with my daughter but am I whiling to leave her alone for the boy she envy's but instead he jumped in front of you and saved you. I don't blame you for his death anymore, I used to because that was BETTER than being angry at my dead father! I would have rather died than ever admit that I was angry with him because to me he didn't deserve me being angry at him! My father has been through hell his entire life and when he found happiness with your parents and Remus it was taken away from him." I said as I cried

"I tried my best to..forgive him but I think that there's a part of me that was just full of envy because I always thought he loved you most. I've envy you for having what I never had, you have all these people around you who love you. Sure I have that now but I didn't have that growing up, instead I got a best friend who betrayed me in the worst way possible." I said as Fred grew with angry knowing it was about Ivan.

"I've always tried to be best for him but the night he died I grew with ANGER. With envy because YOU got to say goodbye, instead I was dumb enough to drink a bit and actually enjoy my night. I didn't even think of my father and for that I had to avenge my fathers death because I...I didn't get to say goodbye. I was sent to Azkaban...the worst part was that I was in the same cell he was in. All the writings on the walls and horrible things he said about himself destroyed me. Dementors torturing me and making me see things that...that's worser then death it's self." I said crying

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