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"Syden, love we need to go" Freddie called my name

"Go where?" I asked confused as I walked down the steps

"Home...come home with me love, come home" Freddie smiled holding out his hand



I felt it, the pain and panic in my chest. Draco running faster than he ever could. Harry standing there pacing back and forth.

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" I yelled grabbing Harry from the collar

"OLIVER PUT HIM DOWN!" Pansy yelled at me and made me let him go

"S-she was fine then-" Harry couldn't even think straight, pain in his eyes.


We all heard running to the window so we could see inside. Healers surrounded her, wands on her chest as they stuck lightning into it. The other healer having a mask of oxygen that connected to the wall. She...was going to die.


"SYDEN DON'T leave me!" I yelled banging on the window

Her hand hanging off the bed, then something dropped. Her rings, she held them in her palm. It was Mason's and Fred's...she was going to leave me to. Draco busted through the door with his wand pointed to the healers, his face red in anger.

"DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE STOP AT THREE KEEPING GOING!" He yelled angry holding his wand at them

The healers exchanged looks of fear and kept going. I walked in and ran to her holding her hand. I picked up the rings and slid them onto her fingers.

"Don't leave me alone...please" I begged her

Then her eyes widen as she took a deep breath with a gasp, her eyes immediately watered and she began to sob. She cried as she clenched her fist and gripped my hand. The healers left once they made sure she was okay, Draco still standing there in shock.

"Freddie.." she sobbed as her chest rose
up and down

"It's okay" I whispered to her kissing her forehead

I didn't deserve her but u couldn't live without her, if she where to die everything I've done would have been for nothing.I made that deal with Fred.


I stayed behind the tree. She looked absolutely beautiful as Draco walked her down the isle. My heart clenching and hurting, my throat closing as she reached him. She was the most pure thing that's ever happened to me...but she deserves to me happy and love without wanting to actually die. Her smile as he slid the ring onto her finger, tears streaming down my face as my chest burned and tightened. The fresh cuts on my abdomen where nothing compared to what I felt inside my chest. I was afar but still could see clearly, my babies on the strollers.

Fred walking back down with her as she laughed, her laugh and smile was something so pure. Till this day I didn't understand how a pure and angelic soul like hers could ever love a dark and empty soul like mine.

I stood there for hours just watching Fred and Syden, the danced together. Everyone was happy and cheery, she got her happy ending. I turned around and began to walk away, I came and I saw the women I loved marry another man. The worst part of it was when I was ready to become the man she wanted...I was too late...just like Mason.


I heard and stopped dead in my tracks, my body tensed as my jaw clenched. I turned around swallowing thickly as I clenched my fist, Fred Weasley standing in front of me.

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