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I couldn't move, I couldn't afford to let Fred see how broken he left me to know I came back but he didn't wait for me. It was like someone ripped out my heart that day, I had just been stitching it up.

"Was it..about me?" Fred asked softly

"Not everything is about you Weasley!" I snapped at Fred

"Sorry, I heard what happened between Angelina-"

"Listen Weasley I don't know what you told your pathetic excuse of a girlfriend about me but your lucky I just broke her nose, next time I'll rip her limb from limb with my TEETH!" I said clenching my jaw

I finally turned around to only see Fred with a bloody mouth and scratches all over his chest. I was in shock, who hurt him like this. But I looked at his fist to see them perfectly fine, he didn't fight back.

"Fred! Your-hurt" I said walking towards him

I sat him down and pulled things out of my book bag, I've never been happier to have Draco packing my things. He put rubbing muggle alcohol along with bandages, I took off my thing black shirt. Luckily I had a black spaghetti strap under, I put the alcohol in my shirt.

"This might hurt" I said warning him as he nodded

I tapped the wounds and he instantly tensed up groaning, I felt bad. I began to blow on the wounds to make the pain go away, I hated to see all of these bruised and scratches all over him. I was upset with him but I didn't want him to be hurt.

"Ugh!" Fred said in pain

"Here grab my hand, don't worry I'm almost done" I said grabbing his hand

I was done now all I had to do was wrap the badge around him. I began to wrap it around his chest, going in like I was going to hug him then back out wrapping it in front. Fred stared at me the entire time, I didn't want to look up because I knew the look he was going to give me. A look that said he wanted me and liked me, I couldn't handle being hurt again. I grabbed my shirt again and rubbed it on his lip gently. He was only staring at my eyes, I noticed he wasn't tensed up anymore nor flinching to the pain.

"Doesn't it hurt?" I asked

"Not when you see a view that's worth it" Fred said gently

"Uh, well I'm all done, I should probably go now. You should put a bit of ice on the bruises" I said laughing awkwardly

"She did it because I broke up with her" Fred said lowly

"What?" I asked not believing what I heard

"I did it for you" Fred said making our eyes connect

"Your the one I was giving my heart to but you've given up. I just needed you to wait Freddie..." I said standing up taking deep breaths

"But at the end my feelings for you became infinite, something no one could take me I've tried" I said walking away

I was walking and then walked up to the astronomy tower, it was now past bed time so I knew I had to sneak back down. I stayed there late, I looked at the wall just thinking and zoning out. That was until I hear a clinking noise coming, it was in the stairs. Panic was building up in me, I hid lowly and behind the sculpture that was in the center of the ground. It was Oliver, he had a bottle of fire whiskey in his hands. He was drunk or tipsy I could t quite tell, I came out of the shadows but I didn't make a sound.

"It's okay Syden, I wouldn't love me either. Your-right you know..I'm a monster. I've been n-nothing but a burden to you but I did it to make you stronger. I hurt you to show you...that your the strongest person I've ever met, I had to do it. If I didn't tell others that story they wouldn't have...have believe you where strong enough to handle yourself." Oliver said drunkly as he looked ahead

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