Three broomstick

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I stood there smiling, he looked at me confused but I knew it wasn't my Weasley. It was George, then Fred was coming down the steps from office. I was inside The Weasley's Wizard Wheezes joke shop. Children all around running back and forth, small toys being played with. Candys all over the entire shop. Fred made contact with me when he saw me laughing at everything around me.

"Syden" Fred said as he looked completely mesmerized by me

"Hello Fred" I said smiling

"Freddie what's going on?" George asked confused

"What's going on is that I'm here to ask forgiveness from your brother and...and ask him to go on a date with me" I said smiling as Fred turned bright red

George giggled to see how red Fred was turning, it was getting a bit warm so I took of my trench coat and hung it up on the coat hanger.


I turned to see a kids that looked to be no older than nine years old. I smiled at them as there eyes looked to have hearts in them.

"Hey! I saw her first, get out of here you lot" Fred said coming next to me

He placed a hand in my back and didn't realize my dress was back less. He gulped as he kids went running away laughing. I giggled as Fred groaned under his breath.

"I can't believe him! He owled me and basically told me it was my fault! What a git—Syden?" I saw Ron

"Ron? Hey what are you doing here?" I asked confused trying to not make it awkward

"Harry's gone mental is what happened! He's a git" Ron said angry

"Not arguing there" I said smiling as Ron chuckled

"Ron got into a fight with Harry because Harry said Ron cheated in quidditch now he's off the team" George said

"Complete git he is! Can't believe him, he's the only cheater there! That arse!" Ron said crossing his arms

"Times like this is when I wish voldy was still here" I mumbled

"What?" Fred asked

"Nothing" I smiled innocently

"Hey I'll catch up with you guys later...I'm sorry but the way. I didn't mean to hurt you guys" I said lowly

"Who are you and what have you done to Syden?" Ron said raising a brow

"Haha your so funny Ronald" I said rolling my eyes as I placed my hand in Fred's arm

His hand began to go lower and lower to see how backless the dress was and how low. He was right above my underwear's elastic.

"Hey George mind if I steal you Fred for a while, you can have Ron help you" I said smiling

"Fine but bring him back before closing" George said pointing at me

"Thanks!" I said pulling Fred with me

I grabbed my trench coat as he grabbed his, we walked out to feel the snow and the cold air hit us. It was only one week till winter break so not everyone was worried. They where mainly shopping for Christmas presents.

"I came to tell you lots of things Fred" I said as we walked besides each other

"Does that include me biting your knickers off" Fred said smiling

"Shut it" I said laughing as he referred to my underwear

"Just kidding, what'd you want to say?" Fred asked as we walked to the three broomsticks

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